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How to remove duplicate ranges found within array

I want to remove duplicate ranges of 3 within an array:

let array = [

The patterns:




appear twice.

How would I detect and remove them?


  • func removeDuplicateSequences(from array: [String]) -> [String] {
        var result = array
        var indicesToRemove = Set<Int>()
        // Check for every sequence of three elements in the array
        for i in 0..<result.count - 2 {
            let currentSequence = Array(result[i...i+2])
            // Only proceed if this sequence hasn't been marked for removal
            if !indicesToRemove.contains(i) {
                for j in i+1..<result.count - 2 {
                    let nextSequence = Array(result[j...j+2])
                    // If a duplicate sequence is found, mark its indices for removal
                    if currentSequence == nextSequence {
        // Remove elements in reverse order to avoid index out of range errors
        for index in indicesToRemove.sorted(by: >) {
            result.remove(at: index)
        return result

    This fiction meets these requirements. I am not aware of any native version.