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How could I make a Expand All / Collapse All function for my custom QML TreeView?

For a Qt project based on Python for the backend and QML for the frontend, I made a custom component used to display data as a tree structure. This component uses a ListModel, the name of the field in the model where the name of the data is stored (so I can reuse this component for any model I have), the name of the field in the model containing the id, and the name of the field of the model containing the data's parent ID (for the same reason).

Each data can have a parent, so the component handles this by displaying a round button on the data row if the data has at least one child, and not displaying it when a data has no children.

The component is using Qt's Loader component to handle the recursion of the data's display.

I would like to understand how I could implement an expandAll and collapseAll function with my current method of handling data hierarchy, and furthermore, how would I be able to display data based on its id, for example:

name: "Data 1", id: 1, parentId: 0
|________ name: "Data 2", id: 2, parentId: 1
|        |
|        |
|        |________ name: "Data 3", id: 3, parentId: 2
|________ name: "Data 4", id: 4, parentId: 1
         |________ name: "Data 5", id: 5, parentId: 4

For example, how would I be able to make my tree structure display "Data 1", "Data 2", "Data 4" and "Data 5" if I would like to see the "Data 5" ? In this way, I mean how could all the above parents of a data use the expand method declared in my code so the entire path leading to a specific data would be displayed ?

Here is the code I'm currently using. Many thanks to Stephen Quan who helped me understanding how to display data's in QML in a previous post :

main.qml :

//Edit : Added a simple example of customerDataModel :

ListModel {
    id: customerDataModel

    ListElement {
        CustomerID: 1
        CustomerName: "Google"
        CustomerParentId: 0
    ListElement {
        CustomerID: 2
        CustomerName: "Amazon"
        CustomerParentId: 0
    ListElement {
        CustomerID: 3
        CustomerName: "Amazon US"
        CustomerParentId: 2
    ListElement {
        CustomerID: 4
        CustomerName: "Amazon EU"
        CustomerParentId: 2
    ListElement {
        CustomerID: 5
        CustomerName: "Amazon FR"
        CustomerParentId: 4
    ListElement {
        CustomerID: 6
        CustomerName: "Apple"
        CustomerParentId: 0
    ListElement {
        CustomerID: 7
        CustomerName: "Apple NTH"
        CustomerParentId: 6

TreeView {
    id: customerTreeView
    width: 500
    height: 500
    dataModel: customerDataModel
    dataId: "CustomerID"
    dataName: "CustomerName"
    dataParentId: "CustomerParentId"

TreeView.qml :

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3

Item {
    property var dataTable: ([])
    property var dataModel: []
    property string dataId: ""
    property string dataName: ""
    property string dataParentId: ""
    property var selectionList: []
    signal selectionChanged()
    height: parent.height

    function getSelectionList() {
        return selectionList;

    function insertRecord(dataId, dataName, dataParentId) {
        dataTable.push([dataId, dataName, dataParentId]);

    function insertRecords(records) {
        for (const [dataId, dataName, dataParentId] of records)
            insertRecord(dataId, dataName, dataParentId)

    function selectRecords(dataParentId) {
        return dataTable.filter(d => d[2] === dataParentId);

    function selectRecursive(dataParentId) {
        let obj = ({ id :0 ,dataId: dataParentId });

        for (const [dataId, dataName, _dataParentId] of selectRecords(dataParentId)) {
            if (! ("nodes" in obj) ) obj.nodes = [];
            obj.nodes.push({"id" :dataId ,  "dataName" :dataName, "nodes" : selectRecursive(dataId)});
        return obj;

    Rectangle {
        id: rect
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height
        clip: true
        radius: 10

        RowLayout {
            id: buttonRowLayout
            implicitWidth: parent.width
            anchors.left: parent.left
            anchors.right: parent.right
            anchors.margins: 20
            spacing: 20

            RoundButton {
                id: expandButton
                implicitWidth: buttonRowLayout.width /2 - 10
                implicitHeight: 30
                radius: 10

                Text {
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                    font.pointSize: 10
                    text: "Expand All"

                background: Rectangle {
                    id: expandButtonRect
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    radius: 10

                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: {

            RoundButton {
                id: collapseButton
                implicitWidth: buttonRowLayout.width /2 - 10
                implicitHeight: 30
                radius: 10

                Text {
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                    font.pointSize: 10
                    text: "Collapse All"

                background: Rectangle {
                    id: collapseButtonRect
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    radius: 10

                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: {

        ScrollView {
            id: treeViewScrollView
            anchors.left: parent.left
            anchors.right: parent.right
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            contentHeight: appTreeView.height
            contentWidth: appTreeView.implicitWidth
            anchors.margins: 20
            clip: true

            AppTreeView {
                id: appTreeView
                indentation: 0

    Component.onCompleted: {
        for (let i = 0; i < dataModel.count; i++) {
            let item = dataModel.get(i);
            insertRecord(item[dataId], item[dataName], item[dataParentId]);
        let m = selectRecursive(0);
        appTreeView.model = m;

AppTreeView.qml :

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3

Column {
    id: tv
    property var model
    property int indentation

    function expandAll() {

    function collapseAll() {

    Repeater {
        id : repeater
        model: tv.model ? tv.model.nodes : 0
        delegate: Column {
            id : column
            property bool isChecked: false

            Row {
                id: row
                spacing: 10
                height: 30
                width: childrenRect.width

                Item {
                    id: indentationItem
                    height: parent.height
                    width: indentation

                RoundButton {
                    id: button
                    visible: {
                        var obj = modelData.nodes
                        if (! ("nodes" in obj) ) {
                            return false
                        } else {
                            return true
                    radius: 100
                    width: 25
                    height: width
                    text: "V"
                    rotation: isChecked ? 0 : -90
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    anchors.left: indentationItem.right

                    background: Rectangle {
                        radius: 100

                    onClicked: {
                        isChecked = !isChecked;
                        if (isChecked) {
                        } else {

                CheckBox {
                    id: checkBox
                    checked: isItemSelected(modelData)
                    onCheckedChanged: {
                        if (checked === true) {
                        } else if (checked === false){
                    anchors.left: button.right
                    anchors.leftMargin: 10
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

                Rectangle {
                    id: rect
                    width: childrenRect.width
                    height: 30
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    radius: 10
                    anchors.left: checkBox.right
                    anchors.leftMargin: 10

                    Text {
                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                        id: text
                        text: modelData.dataName

            Loader {
                id: loader

            function expand(modelData) {
                            { model: modelData,
                                indentation: indentation + 30

            function collapse() {
                loader.source = "Blank.qml";

            function addToSelection(modelData) {
                if (!isItemSelected(modelData)) {
                    console.log("Adding", modelData.dataName, "to selection");

            function removeFromSelection(modelData) {
                var index = selectionList.indexOf(;
                if (index !== -1) {
                    console.log("Removing", modelData.dataName, "from selection");
                    selectionList.splice(index, 1);

            function isItemSelected(modelData) {
                return selectionList.includes(;

And Blank.qml display nothing :

import QtQuick 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5

Item {

Thank you for your help !


  • Currently, I do not recommend this structure for a tree view solution. There are much better options available to display a tree view.

    In this answer, I have attempted to keep the base code intact and just added functions such as expandAll, collapseAll, and expandPath, along with some other modifications.

    • expandAll is a recursive function that calls expandAll for all children.
    • collapseAll just hides and collapses the base children. Based on the current approach, this would destroy the child items, resetting them to the collapsed state.
    • expandPath takes an array of IDs from the root to a specific child. For example, for (id: 5), [2, 4, 5] should be provided. This array can also be retrieved from the pathToId function in OctopusTreeView.

    expandPath Function:

    Here, I have also used a recursive approach and called expandPath for inner children if the child is found.
    I also have used a trick to filter and convert visibleChildren into a JavaScript array.

    To expand an item, you only need to set isChecked = true, and the item will expand.

    function expandPath(path) {
        if (path && path.length) {
            const current = path[0];
            const nodes = Array.from(visibleChildren).filter(n => 'nodes' in n);
            const node = nodes.find(n => n.nodeId == current);
            if (node) {
                node.isChecked = true; // Expand node
                const innerItem = node.loader.item;
                if (innerItem.expandPath) innerItem.expandPath(path.slice(1));

    Other Modifications:

    In my opinion, the current code requires significant refactoring. However, I have made some changes to make the source code cleaner and shorter:

    • Use component for inline reusable items.
    • Avoid using anchors inside Row/Columns/Layouts.
    • Avoid using MouseArea inside buttons; they already have onClicked and other signals.
    • Use palette to change the color of Control components.
    • Make buttons checkable, if applicable.
    • etc.


    palette { // Try using palettes in Qt 5 to set button and window colors.
        base: '#badfd7'
        window: '#f1f2f3'
        button: '#60bfc1'
        highlight: '#fdb7b9'
        text: '#343536'
        windowText: '#343536'
        buttonText: '#f1f2f3'
        highlightedText: '#343536'
    ListModel { /* ... */}
    OctopusTreeView { /* ... */ }


    Page {
        id: page
        property var dataTable: ([])
        property var dataModel: []
        property string dataId: ""
        property string dataName: ""
        property string dataParentId: ""
        property var selectionList: []
        signal selectionChanged()
        function getSelectionList() {
            return selectionList;
        function insertRecord(dataId, dataName, dataParentId) {
            dataTable.push([dataId, dataName, dataParentId]);
        function insertRecords(records) {
            for (const [dataId, dataName, dataParentId] of records) {
                insertRecord(dataId, dataName, dataParentId);
        function selectRecords(dataParentId) {
            return dataTable.filter(d => d[2] === dataParentId);
        function selectRecursive(dataParentId) {
            let obj = ({ id :0 ,dataId: dataParentId });
            for (const [dataId, dataName, _dataParentId] of selectRecords(dataParentId)) {
                if (! ("nodes" in obj) ) obj.nodes = [];
                obj.nodes.push({"id" :dataId ,  "dataName" :dataName, "nodes" : selectRecursive(dataId)});
            return obj;
        function pathToId(id) {
            let path = [];
            while(id) {
                const target = dataTable.find(([i, n, p]) => i === id);
                if(target) {
                    id = target[2];
                } else {
                    return undefined;
            return path;
        spacing: 5
        padding: 5
        component HeaderBtn: RoundButton {
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            radius: 3
            font.bold: true
        header: Control {
            height: 35
            padding: 3
            contentItem: RowLayout {
                spacing: 3
                HeaderBtn {
                    text: "Expand All"
                    onClicked: appTreeView.expandAll();
                HeaderBtn {
                    text: "Collapse All"
                    onClicked: appTreeView.collapseAll();
                HeaderBtn {
                    text: "Expand id: 5 (Amazon FR)"
                    onClicked: appTreeView.expandPath(pathToId(5) ?? []);
        contentItem:  ScrollView {
            id: treeViewScrollView
            implicitHeight: contentHeight
            clip: true
            AppTreeView {
                id: appTreeView
                indentation: 0
        Component.onCompleted: {
            for (let i = 0; i < dataModel.count; i++) {
                let item = dataModel.get(i);
                insertRecord(item[dataId], item[dataName], item[dataParentId]);
            appTreeView.model = selectRecursive(0);


    Column {
        id: tv
        property var model
        property int indentation
        function expandAll() {
            const nodes = Array(), n => 'nodes' in n)
            nodes.forEach(n => {
                n.isChecked = true; // Expand node
                const innerItem = n.loader.item;
                if(innerItem && innerItem.expandAll) innerItem.expandAll();
        function collapseAll() {
            const nodes = Array(), n => 'nodes' in n)
            nodes.forEach(n => {
                /// Based on the current solution, the inner items get destroyed, so there is no need for recursive traversal.
                n.isChecked = false;
        function expandPath(path) {
            if(path && path.length) {
                const current = path[0];
                const nodes = Array(), n => 'nodes' in n)
                const node = nodes.find(n => n.nodeId == current);
                if(node) {
                    node.isChecked = true; // Expand node
                    const innerItem = node.loader.item;
                    if(innerItem.expandPath) innerItem.expandPath(path.slice(1));
        Repeater {
            model: tv.model ? tv.model.nodes : 0
            delegate: Column {
                property alias isChecked: button.checked
                property alias loader: loader
                property string nodeId:
                property string nodeName: modelData.dataName
                property var nodes: modelData.nodes
                Grid {
                    spacing: 5
                    width: childrenRect.width
                    verticalItemAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
                    leftPadding: indentation + (button.visible ? 0 : (25 + spacing))
                    RoundButton {
                        id: button
                        visible: "nodes" in modelData.nodes
                        checkable: true
                        radius: 5
                        width: 25; height: width
                        text: isChecked ? "-" : "+"
                        font.bold: true
                        onCheckedChanged: checked ? expand(nodes) : collapse();
                    CheckBox {
                        padding: 0
                        spacing: 0
                        checked: isItemSelected(modelData)
                        onCheckedChanged: checked ? addToSelection(modelData) :removeFromSelection(modelData)
                        indicator{ width: 25; height: 25 }
                        Component.onCompleted: indicator.radius = 3
                    Label {
                        id: text
                        text: nodeName
                        padding: 5
                        background: Rectangle {
                            border { width: 1; color: palette.mid }
                            radius: 3
                Loader {
                    id: loader
                function expand(modelData) {
                    loader.setSource("AppTreeView.qml", { model: modelData, indentation: indentation + 30 });
                function collapse() {
                    loader.source = "Blank.qml";
                function addToSelection(modelData) {
                    if (!isItemSelected(modelData)) {
                        console.log("Adding", modelData.dataName, "to selection");
                function removeFromSelection(modelData) {
                    var index = selectionList.indexOf(;
                    if (index !== -1) {
                        console.log("Removing", modelData.dataName, "from selection");
                        selectionList.splice(index, 1);
                function isItemSelected(modelData) {
                    return selectionList.includes(;