I don't know how to coding a 4-byte integer value to a 4-byte real.
in C Language ...
I want to do something like this:
float value = *((float*)&intValue))
I would like to complete the code following....
real function castingInt32_to_real( intValue )
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: intValue
! if intValue == 1065353216(0x3f800000) Its means 1.0 on Intel.
!I want to do following....
castingInt32_to_real <-- 1.0
end function
Given a BOZ entity, you can convert that to real with the real
intrinsic subprogram. Consider,
program main
real x
x = real(z'3f800000', kind(1.e0))
print *,x
end program main
which gives with gfortran
% gfortran -o z a.f90
% ./z
As an addendum, you can also use the transfer
intrinsic subprogram.
program main
real x
x = transfer(1065353216,x)
print *,x
end program main
The above essentially does a bit-wise transfer.