I found that if I define a Window struct in my SwiftUI applications App struct, it creates a window that I can then open from a menu command with an environment variable.
However, the system opens the window at launch. What I want is a singe-instance of an info window that is ideally created lazily from a menu command, destroyed on close, and recreated the next time it the menu command is invoked. (I'm going to use it to display log information about the processing the app does.)
Failing that, I'd like the window to be created hidden, and then un-hidden with a menu command.
How would I do that? If I add .hidden to the window, it is hidden forever.
Unless I misunderstood something you can use Window
to have a window that you open separately, add it to the body
in main but outside the any WindowGroup
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
Window("Info Window",id: "info-window") {
.keyboardShortcut(KeyEquivalent("i"), modifiers: [.command, .shift])
This window can then be opened from the Window menu, Window -> Info Window or with the keyboard shortcut Cmd-Shift-I