I have selected a community indicator and it is plotted active on my screen.
I am struggling to figure out how to replace the indicator in the 3rd code line below (I have tried referring to the indicators name but to no avail)
Basically I just want to buy or sell once daily based on whether the indicator is above or below 50.
strategy("Indicator Strategy", overlay=true)
indicatorValue = ta.movingaverage(close, 10) // Replace with your actual indicator
buyCondition = indicatorValue < 50
sellCondition = indicatorValue > 50
if (buyCondition)
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
if (sellCondition)
I have found the indicator function but I cant call my currently loaded indicator.
You can make the indicatorValue a source input and select the indicator you are using as the source. As long as it has a plot, not just lines or boxes it should work.
strategy("Indicator Strategy", overlay=true)
indicatorValue = input.source(close, 'Select Indicator You Want From Settings Here')
buyCondition = indicatorValue < 50
sellCondition = indicatorValue > 50
if (buyCondition)
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
if (sellCondition)