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What is the correct way in Rollup.js to add a banner to minified files?

What is the correct way to add a banner to a minified js file created with Rollup.js?

So far I have tried the builtin output.banner option, but this gets removed by the minifier.

// rollup.config.js
export default {
  output: {
    banner: BANNER,
    sourcemap: true,
  plugins: {

I have also tried using rollup-plugin-banner.

  output: [{ 
    sourcemap: true,
  plugins: [

This kind of works, but throws the following error message for each file processed by rollup.

(!) Broken sourcemap
Plugins that transform code (such as "banner") should generate accompanying sourcemaps.

How do I get this to work without the error messages?


  • It's actually because of terser:

    comments (default "some") -- by default it keeps JSDoc-style comments that contain "@license", "@copyright", "@preserve" or start with !, pass true or "all" to preserve all comments, false to omit comments in the output, a regular expression string (e.g. /^!/) or a function.

    You can either change your banner text a bit (based on the above rules) so terser won't remove it or use terser's preamble option (instead of rollup's output.banner):

    plugins: [
        // ...
            format: {
                preamble: '// Copyright example ...'
        // ...