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Problem with a GUID subscribedSkus on the Microsoft Graph API with the SDK in C#

I am trying to retrieve information from this API endpoint:

But I have a problem during execution, it gives me this error:

ODataError: Invalid object identifier. It must be a string in the form of [Guid]_[Guid].

And yet I send him a GUID in String

Here is my code :

public async Task<SubscribedSku> GetAvailableLicenceDetails(string idSku)
                string accessToken = await tokenAcquisition.GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(new string[] { "Organization.Read.All" });
                var authenticationProvider = new BaseBearerTokenAuthenticationProvider(new TokenProvider(accessToken));

                var graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient(authenticationProvider);

                var SubscribedSku = await graphServiceClient.SubscribedSkus[idSku].GetAsync();

                return SubscribedSku;
            catch (ODataError odataError)

var sku = await GetAvailableLicenceDetails("6fd2c87f-b296-42f0-b197-1e91e994b900");

I tried to find the problem but I can't, I need help !

Thank you


  • You are trying to retrieve subscribed sku by skuId (id of the service SKU)

    Check the properties in the doc

    Property Description
    id The unique identifier for the subscribed sku object
    skuId The unique identifier (GUID) for the service SKU

    The call await graphServiceClient.SubscribedSkus["id"].GetAsync(); requires id not skuId.

    The limitation of the subscribedSkus is that they don't support filtering by skuId, so you can't use

    var result = await graphClient.SubscribedSkus.GetAsync((requestConfiguration) =>
        requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.Filter = $"skuId eq {idSku}";

    Only way is to retrieve all subscribedskus and perform filter on the client

    var response = await graphServiceClient.SubscribedSkus.GetAsync();
    var subscribedSku = response.Value.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.SkuId eq idSku);

    Or you have id not skuId, you can retrieve the specific subscribed sku

    var SubscribedSku = await graphServiceClient.SubscribedSkus[id].GetAsync();