How do I access "properties" of my .resw
resource file in code?
For example, take this example RESW file (from MSDN):
I can access Farewell
auto resourceLoader{ Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources::ResourceLoader::GetForCurrentView() };
const auto myString = resourceLoader.GetString(L"Farewell");
But if I try to do the same thing with Greeting.Text
(which automatically sets the Text
property of a control with x:Uid="Greeting"
, so I can't change it), my app crashes:
auto resourceLoader{ Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources::ResourceLoader::GetForCurrentView() };
const auto myString = resourceLoader.GetString(L"Greeting.Text"); // crashes
Can I access this resource in code without duplicating it?
Yes you can!
Just replace the .
s with /
auto resourceLoader{ Windows::ApplicationModel::Resources::ResourceLoader::GetForCurrentView() };
const auto myString = resourceLoader.GetString(L"Greeting/Text");
XAML calls resources that correspond to properties on a control property identifiers: whereas Farewell
can only be loaded manually, from code, Greeting.Text
corresponds to a property on a control (and is automatically applied to any control with the x:Uid="Greeting"
These property paths seem to be encoded as URIs, so you have to switch from .
to /
when accessing them in code.
MSDN describes that behavior on Localize strings in your UI and app package manifest#Refer to a string resource identifier from code:
If a resource name is segmented (it contains "." characters), then replace dots with forward slash ("/") characters in the resource name. Property identifiers, for example, contain dots; so you'd need to do this substitution in order to load one of those from code.
this.myXAMLTextBlockElement.Text = resourceLoader.GetString("Fare/Well"); // <data name="Fare.Well" ...> ...
If in doubt, you can use MakePri.exe to dump your app's PRI file. Each resource's uri is shown in the dumped file.
<ResourceMapSubtree name="Fare"><NamedResource name="Well" uri="ms-resource://<GUID>/Resources/Fare/Well">...