As the title mentioned, I'm trying to use rqt_graph to observe my nodes. However, it showed
rvl224@eervl224:~/brian2lee/gazebo/forklift_test$ rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph [rospack] Error: package 'rqt_graph' not found rvl224@eervl224:~/brian2lee/gazebo/forklift_test$ rqt_graph rqt_graph:無此指令
(The chinese part is rqt_graph: command not found) But there literally rqt-gui 0.5.3 & rqt-gui-py 0.5.3 in my pip list. Have no idea how to solve it. Just in case it's problem like package conflict here's the pip list.
Package Version
------------------------------------ --------------------
actionlib 1.14.0
aiosignal 1.2.0
angles 1.9.13
apturl 0.5.2
aqtp 0.0.10
argcomplete 1.8.1
astunparse 1.6.3
atomicwrites 1.1.5
attrs 19.3.0
bcrypt 3.1.7
blinker 1.4
breezy 3.0.2
Brlapi 0.7.0
cached-property 1.5.2
camera-calibration-parsers 1.12.0
catkin 0.8.10
catkin-pkg 0.5.2
catkin-pkg-modules 0.5.2
certifi 2019.11.28
chardet 3.0.4
charset-normalizer 2.1.0
chex 0.1.5
chrome-gnome-shell 0.0.0
Click 7.0
cloudpickle 3.0.0
clu 0.0.7
colcon-argcomplete 0.3.3
colcon-bash 0.5.0
colcon-cd 0.1.1
colcon-cmake 0.2.28
colcon-common-extensions 0.3.0
colcon-core 0.15.0
colcon-defaults 0.2.8
colcon-devtools 0.2.4
colcon-installed-package-information 0.1.0
colcon-library-path 0.2.1
colcon-metadata 0.2.5
colcon-notification 0.2.15
colcon-output 0.2.13
colcon-override-check 0.0.1
colcon-package-information 0.3.3
colcon-package-selection 0.2.10
colcon-parallel-executor 0.3.0
colcon-pkg-config 0.1.0
colcon-powershell 0.4.0
colcon-python-setup-py 0.2.8
colcon-recursive-crawl 0.2.3
colcon-ros 0.4.1
colcon-test-result 0.3.8
colcon-zsh 0.5.0
colorama 0.4.3
command-not-found 0.3
commonmark 0.9.1
configobj 5.0.6
configparser 5.0.0
contextlib2 21.6.0
contourpy 1.0.5
controller-manager 0.19.6
controller-manager-msgs 0.19.6
cov-core 1.15.0
coverage 4.5.2
cryptography 2.8
cupshelpers 1.0
cv-bridge 1.16.2
dacite 1.6.0
dbus-python 1.2.16
decorator 5.1.1
defer 1.0.6
defusedxml 0.6.0
Deprecated 1.2.7
diagnostic-updater 1.11.0
distlib 0.3.6
distro 1.4.0
distro-info 0.23ubuntu1
dlib 19.24.0
dm-tree 0.1.7
docker 4.1.0
docker-compose 1.25.0
dockerpty 0.4.1
docopt 0.6.2
docutils 0.16
dulwich 0.19.15
dynamic-reconfigure 1.7.3
einops 0.5.0
empy 3.3.2
entrypoints 0.3
etils 0.8.0
face-recognition 1.3.0
face-recognition-models 0.3.0
Farama-Notifications 0.0.4
fasteners 0.14.1
fastimport 0.9.8
flatbuffers 22.9.24
flax 0.5.3
flaxformer 0.5.1
fonttools 4.37.4
frozenlist 1.3.1
future 0.18.2
gast 0.3.3
gazebo-plugins 2.9.2
gazebo-ros 2.9.2
gencpp 0.7.0
geneus 3.0.0
genlisp 0.4.18
genmsg 0.6.0
gennodejs 2.0.2
genpy 0.6.15
google-pasta 0.2.0
googleapis-common-protos 1.56.4
gpg 1.13.1-unknown
gymnasium 0.29.1
httplib2 0.14.0
huggingface-hub 0.10.1
idna 2.8
importlib-metadata 5.0.0
imutils 0.5.4
interactive-markers 1.12.0
jax 0.3.23
jaxlib 0.3.22
joint-state-publisher 1.15.1
joint-state-publisher-gui 1.15.1
jsonschema 3.2.0
keras 2.10.0
Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2
keyring 18.0.1
language-selector 0.1
laser-geometry 1.6.7
launchpadlib 1.10.13
lazr.restfulclient 0.14.2
lazr.uri 1.0.3
libclang 14.0.6
line-bot-sdk 2.3.0
linecache2 1.0.0
lockfile 0.12.2
louis 3.12.0
lxml 4.9.1
macaroonbakery 1.3.1
Mako 1.1.0
MarkupSafe 2.1.1
message-filters 1.16.0
ml-collections 0.1.1
monotonic 1.5
more-itertools 4.2.0
msgpack 1.0.4
multipledispatch 1.0.0
netifaces 0.10.4
nose 1.3.7
nose2 0.9.1
notify2 0.3
numpy 1.23.4
oauthlib 3.1.0
olefile 0.46
opt-einsum 3.3.0
optax 0.1.3
packaging 20.3
paramiko 2.6.0
pbr 5.4.5
pexpect 4.6.0
Pillow 9.3.0
pip 20.0.2
platformdirs 3.1.1
pluggy 0.13.0
promise 2.3
protobuf 3.6.1
psutil 5.5.1
py 1.8.1
pybind11 2.4.3
pycairo 1.16.2
pycryptodomex 3.6.1
pycups 1.9.73
PyGithub 1.43.7
Pygments 2.3.1
PyGObject 3.36.0
PyJWT 1.7.1
pymacaroons 0.13.0
PyNaCl 1.3.0
pyOpenSSL 19.0.0
pyparsing 2.4.6
PyQt5 5.14.1
pyRFC3339 1.1
pyrr 0.10.3
pyrsistent 0.15.5
pyserial 3.5
pytest 4.6.9
pytest-cov 2.8.1
python-apt 2.0.0+ubuntu0.20.4.7
python-dateutil 2.7.3
python-debian 0.1.36ubuntu1
python-gitlab 2.0.1
python-gnupg 0.4.5
python-qt-binding 0.4.4
pytz 2019.3
pyxdg 0.26
PyYAML 5.3.1
pyzed 3.7
qt-gui 0.4.2
qt-gui-cpp 0.4.2
reportlab 3.5.34
requests 2.22.0
requests-unixsocket 0.2.0
resource-retriever 1.12.7
roman 2.0.0
rosbag 1.16.0
rosboost-cfg 1.15.8
rosclean 1.15.8
roscreate 1.15.8
rosdep 0.22.2
rosdep-modules 0.22.2
rosdistro 0.9.0
rosdistro-modules 0.9.0
rosgraph 1.16.0
rosinstall 0.7.8
rosinstall-generator 0.1.23
roslaunch 1.16.0
roslib 1.15.8
roslz4 1.16.0
rosmake 1.15.8
rosmaster 1.16.0
rosmsg 1.16.0
rosnode 1.16.0
rosparam 1.16.0
rospkg 1.5.0
rospkg-modules 1.5.0
rospy 1.16.0
rosservice 1.16.0
rostest 1.16.0
rostopic 1.16.0
rosunit 1.15.8
roswtf 1.16.0
rqt-gui 0.5.3
rqt-gui-py 0.5.3
rviz 1.14.20
scipy 1.3.3
screen-resolution-extra 0.0.0
SecretStorage 2.3.1
sensor-msgs 1.13.1
setuptools 59.5.0
simplejson 3.16.0
sip 4.19.21
six 1.16.0
smclib 1.8.6
systemd-python 234
tensorflow 2.3.0
tensorflow-cpu 2.10.0
tensorflow-datasets 2.1.0
tensorflow-estimator 2.3.0
tensorflow-hub 0.12.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.27.0
tensorflow-metadata 1.10.0
tensorflow-probability 0.18.0
tensorflow-text 2.10.0
tensorstore 0.1.27
testresources 2.0.0
texttable 1.6.2
tf 1.13.2
tf2-geometry-msgs 0.7.6
tf2-kdl 0.7.6
tf2-py 0.7.6
tf2-ros 0.7.6
toml 0.10.2
toolz 0.12.0
topic-tools 1.16.0
torchaudio 0.12.0+cu113
torchvision 0.7.0
tqdm 4.64.1
traceback2 1.4.0
typing-extensions 4.7.1
ubuntu-advantage-tools 27.9
ubuntu-drivers-common 0.0.0
ufw 0.36
unattended-upgrades 0.1
unittest2 1.1.0
urllib3 1.25.8
usb-creator 0.3.7
vcstool 0.3.0
vcstools 0.1.42
virtualenv 20.21.0
wadllib 1.3.3
wcwidth 0.1.8
websocket-client 0.53.0
wheel 0.34.2
wrapt 1.11.2
wstool 0.1.18
xacro 1.14.16
xkit 0.0.0
zipp 1.0.0
Some ideas what to check (or provide further information about):
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
for noetic)roscore
running? (if not run: roscore
(run: rqt
or rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
) to check if rqt_graph is available there?ros-%YOUR_ROS_DISTRO%-rqt-common-plugins
package as well (as official installation guideline requests)? Because rqt_graph
is part of this package (see here).