I need to get all files (filter out folders) from /drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/children
I can easily get only folders with /drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/children?$filter=folder ne null
but when I want to reverse the condition then error is thrown:
The request is not supported by the system.
I tried:
/drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/children?$filter=folder eq null
/drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/children?$filter=not(folder ne null)
/drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/children?$filter=file ne null
- for some reason file property cannot be used as opposed to folder
simplified File object:
"createdDateTime": "2023-03-06T14:31:51Z",
"eTag": "\"{D1EAF39B-B391-4BFD-926D-A4FE986AEE6E},2\"",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-02-20T11:03:34Z",
"name": "someworkbook.xlsx",
"file": {
"mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
"hashes": {
"quickXorHash": "zjhLucU2pN7vTR8p39LRh7W6C0o="
"shared": {
"scope": "users"
simplified Folder object:
"createdDateTime": "2023-03-06T14:31:18Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-03-06T14:31:17Z",
"name": "Folder A",
"folder": {
"childCount": 0
"searchResult": {}
I'm afraid you have to use another Graph API endpoint
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/search/query
"requests": [
"entityTypes": [
"query": {
"queryString": "path:\"https://<tenant>.sharepoint.com/sites/<site_name>/path/to/folder\" AND isDocument=true"
in path
you need to specify server path to the destination folder. isDocument=true
will ensure that only files are returned in the response.