We have deployed our ML pipeline (using SDKV2) on batch endpoints using PipelineComponentBatchDeployment. This pipeline takes multiple arguments (all of str type). How can we trigger or invoke the endpoint with different arguments from with ADF.
Previously, with azureml sdkv1, we use to publish the pipelines, in adf we used to have "Machine Learning Execution" activity that would invoke the pipeline with different arguments, like shown below:
But now (with sdkv2) we have endpoints like this:
On checking the Pipeline Component, we see this:
Is there a way to see what arguments the pipeline takes? like in sdkv1.
How do we use adf to invoke the endpoint with different inputs.
Followed this:
Also, its possible to send inputs that are just str using Literals: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-access-data-batch-endpoints-jobs.md#create-jobs-with-literal-inputs