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Expo router with authentication conditional rendering

I use Expo router and am having trouble creating protected routes when working with authentication. I have a provider and global state for the current user logged in, which is working fine.

When I log in, i use router.replace("/") which takes me to the correct screen (profile). If I sign out from the profile screen (i.e. setting the global user state to null nothing happens. It doesn't rerender, and allows the user to still see the protected route.

If I console.log the user object it says null.

Video showing me signing in then signing out, without any rerender

See file structure and return statements below.

- app (root folder)
- (app)
  - _layout.tsx
  - (tabs)
     - _layout.tsx
     - chat.tsx
     - profile.tsx

- login.tsx
- signup.tsx
- _layout.tsx

Inside /_layout.tsx (root) i have the following, where I declare all my Screens and provide the global state of the current user:

          <Stack.Screen name='login'/>
          <Stack.Screen name="signup"/>
          <Stack.Screen name="(app)"/>

Inside (app)/_layout.tsx have the following, where I conditionally redirect if the user is not logged in:

    return <Text>Laddar</Text>

  return <Redirect href="/login"/>

  return (
        <Stack.Screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headerShown: false }} /> 


  • There was an issue with my isLoading, which did not update the state correctly. Once I fixed that, everything worked.