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Longest line lying completely inside a polygon in shapely

I have a Multipolygon and I want to find the longest line in each polygon in Multipolygon in shapely. How do I find the largest line that can lie within a polygon in Multipolygon?

edit: I have understood the logic but facing difficulty in implementation.

  1. The longest line must pass through two vertices of the polygon( reference - ref1, ref2, ref3
  2. We iterate though each polygon in multipolygon
  3. for each polygon we iterate through all pair of vertices (points) of the polygon
  4. for each pair of vertices, we find the line( extending both sides indefinitely ) joining the vertex pairs
  5. for each line formed, we traverse all edges( line segments ) and check if the line intersects the edge
  6. we store all intersection points in an array intersection_points[]
  7. for each pair of points in intersection_points[] we form a line segment and check if it lies entirely within the polygon, if it does and its length is grater than max_length then we update max_length

Image illustrations is available in the reference links - ref1, ref2, ref3

Pseudocode -

for polygon in multipolygon {
    for point1 in polygon {
        for point2 in polygon {
            if point1 == point2 {
            line = makeLine(point1,point2)
            intersection_points = []
            for edge in polygon {
                if line_intersects_edge(line,edge) {
                    intersection_points.insert( intersection_point(line,edge) )

max_len = 0
for intersection_pt1 in intersection_points {
    for intersection_pt2 in intersection_points {
        if intersection_pt1 != intersection_pt2 {
            line_segment = make_line_segment(intersection_pt1,intersection_pt2)
            if line_segment.lies_within(polygon) {
                max_len = max( max_len, line_segment.length() )

The python code is not working though, any help would be highly appreciated!

from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, LineString, Point

def line_intersects_edge(line, edge):
    # Implement a function to check if a line intersects with an edge
    return line.intersects(edge)

def intersection_point(line, edge):
    # Implement a function to find the intersection point between a line and an edge
    return line.intersection(edge)

def make_line_segment(point1, point2):
    # Implement a function to create a line segment from two points
    return LineString([point1, point2])

multipolygon = MultiPolygon(
        Polygon([(7, 10), (8, 11), (9, 11), (8, 10), (7, 9.5), (7, 10)]),
        Polygon([(9.5, 8.5), (10, 9), (10, 10), (11, 9), (9.5, 8.5)]),

max_len = 0

# Iterate over each polygon in the multipolygon
for polygon in multipolygon.geoms:
    # Iterate over each point in the polygon
    for point1 in polygon.exterior.coords:
        # Iterate over each point in the polygon again
        for point2 in polygon.exterior.coords:
            # Skip if points are the same
            if point1 == point2:
            # Create a line from the two points
            line = LineString([Point(point1), Point(point2)])
            # Find intersection points
            intersection_points = []
            for edge in polygon.exterior.coords[:-1]:
                if line_intersects_edge(line, LineString([edge, polygon.exterior.coords[polygon.exterior.coords.index(edge) + 1]])):
                  intersection_points.append(intersection_point(line, LineString([edge, polygon.exterior.coords[polygon.exterior.coords.index(edge) + 1]])))
            # Iterate over intersection points
            for intersection_pt1 in intersection_points:
                for intersection_pt2 in intersection_points:
                    if intersection_pt1 != intersection_pt2:
                        # Create a line segment
                        line_segment = make_line_segment(intersection_pt1, intersection_pt2)
                        # Check if line segment lies within the polygon
                        if line_segment.within(polygon):
                            max_len = max(max_len, line_segment.length)

print("Max length:", max_len)


  • This code does the job. I have tested it with a few complex test cases and it is giving valid answer

    import shapely.geometry as sg
    from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, LineString, Point
    def get_infinite_line(p1: Point, p2: Point, scale=10000) -> LineString:
      Creates a LineString extending indefinitely in the direction of p2 from p1.
          p1: The first Point object defining the line (Shapely Point).
          p2: The second Point object defining the line (Shapely Point).
          scale: A factor to scale the extension length (default: 10).
          A LineString object representing the infinite line.
      # Get the vector representing the direction using x and y components
      direction = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
      # Extend the line in both directions by scaling the direction vector
      extended_p1 = Point(p1[0] - direction[0] * scale, p1[1] - direction[1] * scale)
      extended_p2 = Point(p2[0] + direction[0] * scale, p2[1] + direction[1] * scale)
      # Create the LineString object
      return LineString([extended_p1, p2, extended_p2])
    # multipolygon = MultiPolygon( 
    #     [
    #         Polygon([(7, 10), (8, 11), (9, 11), (8, 10), (7, 9.5), (7, 10)]),
    #         Polygon([(9.5, 8.5), (10, 9), (10, 10), (11, 9), (9.5, 8.5)]),
    #     ]
    # )
    multipolygon = MultiPolygon(
            Polygon([(9, 10.5),(8.5, 10.5),(8.5, 11),(8,10.5),(7.5, 9),(8, 9.5),(8.5, 9),(9, 9.5),(8.5, 10),(7.8, 9.8),(9, 10.5)])
    max_len = 0
    line_ans = None
    # Assuming multipolygon is a Shapely MultiPolygon object
    for polygon in multipolygon.geoms:
        for point1 in polygon.exterior.coords:
            for point2 in polygon.exterior.coords:
                if point1 == point2:
                line = get_infinite_line(point1, point2)
                intersection_points = [point1,point2]
                for i, edge in enumerate(polygon.exterior.coords[:-1]):
                    next_edge_index = (i + 1) % len(polygon.exterior.coords)
                    edge_line = sg.LineString([edge, polygon.exterior.coords[next_edge_index]])
                    if line.intersects(edge_line):
                        intersection_point = line.intersection(edge_line)
                        intersection_points.append(intersection_point.coords[0])  # Access coordinates of intersection
                for intersection_pt1 in intersection_points:
                    for intersection_pt2 in intersection_points:
                        if intersection_pt1 != intersection_pt2:
                            line_segment = sg.LineString([intersection_pt1, intersection_pt2])
                            if polygon.contains(line_segment) and max_len < line_segment.length:
                                max_len = max(max_len, line_segment.length)
                                line_ans = line_segment