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Autodesk Platform Services (Forge) Viewer with self-hosted/offline models

I'm developing a configurator and to view our 3D model I'm using the Autodesk Viewer.

It is sometimes a bit laggy/slow so I wanted to experiment hosting the models myself to see if this improves loading speed. I found the example here and after adapting this I can succesfully load my model from the public directory.

However, I am only able to set the model on initialization of the viewer. I would like to load the models dynamically from a react app.

I adapted the react wrapper from here:

But loading the model only works when I load it in the initialization:

    this.viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.Viewer3D(this.container);

Is it possible to dynamically load nodes/models in the same manner as when fetching the models from the app OSS? Below does not load the model. Eventually I would like to try to load the models from my own server i.c.m. the AggregatedView / Loading multiple models.

  onDocumentLoadSuccess(doc) {
    this.viewer.loadDocumentNode(doc, doc.getRoot().getDefaultGeometry()),
    console.log('loaded document node')

  updateViewerState(prevProps) {
    if (this.props.path && this.props.path !== prevProps.path) {
      Autodesk.Viewing.Document.load(this.props.path, (doc) =>

        // failure
        (code, message, errors) => console.error(code, message, errors),
    else if (!this.props.path && this.viewer.model) {


    • In the case of Document.load() you have to pass in a URN or the URL to a bubble.json file.
    • In the case of loadModel() (that Viewer.start() uses as well) you have to pass in a URN or the URL to a *.svf file. This is what you'd need to use.

    Further info that still seems more or less correct: