I want to subscribe a delegate to an external class' internal event Action:
internal static event Action OnSingletonReady;
I cannot edit the class it is in. Although the event may be exposed as public in the future, I can't wait for that to happen.
What is necessary to add/remove delegates from an internal action?
I believe that setting the nonPublic
argument when you reflect the add method using GetAddMethod
would have the desired outcome, at least it did when I tested it.
using System.Reflection;
Console.Title = "Subscribe to Internal Event";
var action = typeof(ReflectionTestClass)
.GetEvent(nameof(ReflectionTestClass.OnSingletonReady), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var methodInfo =
.GetAddMethod(nonPublic: true);
// Subscribe to the action
methodInfo?.Invoke(action, new object[] { ()=>
Console.WriteLine($@"[{DateTime.Now:hh\:mm\:ss\:fff}] Event received.");
} } );
await Task.Delay(1000);
_ = ReflectionTestClass.Get();
class ReflectionTestClass
private ReflectionTestClass() { }
public static ReflectionTestClass Get()
if(_singleton is null)
_singleton = new ReflectionTestClass();
return _singleton;
private static ReflectionTestClass? _singleton = null;
internal static event Action? OnSingletonReady;