I have to calculate some percentages but I have to avoid using floats in Rust.
i have this data structure
let data = Vec<Identity, u64>
from this i can sum all the u64's to get a total which we'll call the total maturity
let total_maturity = data.iter().map(|(,b)| b).sum()
so now i have the total maturity across all of them. it should be fairly trivial to get the percentage of maturity for each neuron but how i do i express this.
With floats it would be simple and the resulting vec of percentages associated with a neuron would be like [0.3, 0.4, 0.1 ....]
I've heard of using integer math but im not sure how it really works.
You can simply multiply all your numbers by 100 before dividing them.
let data: Vec<u64> = vec![3, 4, 1, 2];
let total_maturity: u64 = data.iter().sum();
let percentages: Vec<u64> = data
.map(|b| b * 100 / total_maturity)
println!("{:?}", percentages);
// [30, 40, 10, 20]
If you need more precision, you can multiply by a larger number. Just remember that you will need to reintroduce the decimal point if you ever need to display them or perform math on them.
let data: Vec<u64> = vec![3, 4, 1, 9992];
let total_maturity: u64 = data.iter().sum();
let percentages: Vec<u64> = data
.map(|b| b * 10_000 / total_maturity)
let formatted: Vec<String> = percentages
.map(|&p| {
let whole = p / 100;
let frac = p % 100;
// or you could convert them to floats
// format!("{}", p as f32 / 100.0)
println!("{:?}", formatted);
// ["0.3%", "0.4%", "0.1%", "99.92%"]
If you want something more flexible, there is the rust_decimal crate.