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How to rank a customer according to a next best offer model in SQL in case the customer is elegible for more than one product

I have a set of customers that are eligible for a certain type of products:

Customer Product
John Banana
John Apple
John Orange
Carla Banana
Carla Apple
Carla Orange

I also have a model which tells me which products are most suited for the customer, based on his preferences:

Customer Most Suited Product Second Most Suited Product Third Most Suited Product
John Peach Orange Banana
Carla Apple Banana Peach

As you can see, there may be other products most suited, but they aren't eligible at the moment.

I'm running a campaign and I can only advertise two products per customer. This is down through an outbound sales team which requires me to have duplicates on my dataset.

How would I rank them according to their product most suited in order to have only two rows per customer?

I want this:

Customer Product Rank
John Orange 1
John Banana 2
Carla Apple 1
Carla Banana 2

I haven't tried anything yet.


  • You can do something like this:

    SELECT  customers.Customer, p.Product
    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY customers.Customer ORDER BY p.sort) AS rank
    FROM    (
        VALUES  (N'John', N'Banana')
        ,   (N'John', N'Apple')
        ,   (N'John', N'Orange')
        ,   (N'Carla', N'Banana')
        ,   (N'Carla', N'Apple')
        ,   (N'Carla', N'Orange')
    ) customers (Customer,Product)
            VALUES  (N'John', N'Peach', N'Orange', N'Banana')
            ,   (N'Carla', N'Apple', N'Banana', N'Peach')
        ) products (Customer,[Most Suited Product],[Second Most Suited Product],[Third Most Suited Product])
        ON  products.Customer = customers.Customer
        VALUES ([Most Suited Product], 1),([Second Most Suited Product],2),([Third Most Suited Product],3)
        ) p (product, sort)
    WHERE   p.product = customers.Product
    1. You join your Customer and Product table by customer Id.
    2. Then pivot the products by their suitability.
    3. Finally, join back by the pivoted product. The rank then becomes a simple ROW_NUMBER