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How do I configure accessToken lifetime in ASP.NET Core 8 Minimal API using new IdentityApi endpoints?

I've just started working on a new ASP.NET Core 8 Minimal API. I'm trying to play with some new features regarding identity.

I'm using the class below to register auth services.

internal static class AuthInstaller
    internal static IServiceCollection InstallAuth(this IServiceCollection services)

        return services;

Then in my endpoints installer class, I'm invoking MapIdentityApi to map identity endpoints as follows.


I have it all working, but the accessToken lifetime is set to 3600 seconds. I've spent much time trying to figure out on how to configure that lifetime. Is there a quick way to configure that without having to write custom bearer token creation logic?

I've looked through Microsoft documentation, but couldn't find anything helpful.


  • You need to add code

    builder.Services.ConfigureAll<BearerTokenOptions>(option => {
        option.BearerTokenExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);