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Create columns from distinct values of a column

I have a large dataset with many different product. In a small scale it would look like this:

product month amount
AA 1 100
AA 1 150
AA 2 200
AA 2 120
BB 2 180
BB 2 220
CC 3 80

I want get the info in a different order. Write as many new columns as distinct values from the column "product", then fill it with the sum of the amount by month. It would look like this:

month AA BB CC
1 250 NA NA
2 320 400 NA
3 NA NA 80

The important thing is to PIVOT the table, that's the main problem I have. I saw similar questions but all have being solved with PIVOT function but I'm doing this with a Postgres database in DBeaver and it doesn't have the PIVOT function:

    SELECT product, month, amount
    FROM ventas
) AS SourceTable
    FOR month IN ([1], [2], [3])
) AS PivotTable;

SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near "PIVOT" Position: 95

I've tried different ways but no success. I can't write the names of all products in the query as there are too many!

Here is a test setup for your convenience:

    product VARCHAR(50),
    month INT,
    amount INT

INSERT INTO ventas (product, month, amount) VALUES 
('AA', 1, 100),
('AA', 1, 150),
('AA', 2, 200),
('AA', 2, 120),
('BB', 2, 180),
('BB', 2, 220),
('CC', 3, 80),


  • If you actually need separate output columns, the only reasonable approach is a 2-step flow:

    1. Generate the query dynamically.
    2. Execute it.

    If you are not familiar with the crosstab() function, read this first:

    -- generate crosstab() query
    SELECT format(
    $f$  -- begin dynamic query string
    SELECT * FROM crosstab(
       SELECT month, product, sum(amount)
       FROM   ventas
       GROUP  BY 1, 2
       ORDER  BY 1, 2
     , $c$VALUES (%s)$c$
       ) AS ct(month int, %s);
    $f$  -- end dynamic query string
                , string_agg(quote_literal(sub.product), '), (')
                , string_agg(quote_ident  (sub.product), ' int, ') || ' int'
    FROM  (SELECT DISTINCT product FROM ventas ORDER BY 1) sub;

    This generates a query of the form:

    SELECT * FROM crosstab(
       SELECT month, product, sum(amount)
       FROM   ventas
       GROUP  BY 1, 2
       ORDER  BY 1, 2
     , $c$VALUES ('AA'), ('BB'), ('CC')$c$
       ) AS ct(month int, "AA" int, "BB" int, "CC" int);

    ... which you then execute.


    Closely related, with more explanation and options: