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Regex to capture 2 bits of data in - ABC:(anything)

I need to parse (extract data - don't need to replace anything).

Test string: MAIN_HEADER:(ANOTHER_HEADER([DUMDUM:(BAH_123),OOPS,YEAH:(GAGA)])) need to output:

  • First component: MAIN_HEADER - only caps alpha and underscore

  • Second component: ANOTHER_HEADER:([DUMDUM:(BAH_123),OOPS,YEAH:(GAGA)]) - caps alpha, numbers, square and round brackets, commas, colons in any combination

I can extract second component with ^\(([a-zA-Z0-9_:,\(\)\[\]]*)\)$ but I don't know how to do 2 different matches to split components.


  • You may use this regex to extract 2 capture group as desired:


    RegEx Demo

    RegEx Details:

    • ^:
    • ([A-Z_]+): Match 1+ of uppercase letters or _ in capture group #1
    • :\s*: Match : followed by 0 or more whitespaces
    • \(: Match literal (
    • ([][A-Z0-9_(),:]+): Match 1+ of uppercase letters or _ or digits or ( or ) or [ or ] or , or : in capture group #2
    • \): Match literal )