I have a database here in which, for reasons I cannot understand, the year and the month for the validity of an entry are stored in TWO separate fields...
Now I need to create a LINQ query to retrieve data based on a DateTime input...
In LINQ Pad such things are possible:
var data2 = data.Where(t => new DateTime(t.DtmZlpServiceIBS.YearPart, t.DtmZlpServiceIBS.MonthPart, 1) <= fromDate);
Does anyone have any idea how I can implement this?
This should be translatable:
var fromYear = fromDate.Year;
var fromMonth = fromDate.Month;
var data2 = data.Where(t =>
t.DtmZlpServiceIBS.YearPart < fromYear ||
(t.DtmZlpServiceIBS.YearPart == fromYear && t.DtmZlpServiceIBS.MonthPart <= fromMonth));