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Powershell sorting data in Invoke-Command results

I'm running an exe from invoke-command on multiple servers and it works. I get a string array with all the output I expect.

$result = invoke-command $servers { & "\path\toexe" arg1 }

This gives me the correct results


...and the PSCOMPUTER name is in there too, but I can't show them together so I can't match the result to the PSComputername all at once.

$Result|GM just shows me PScomputername and RunspaceID as properties. It's like the $result array has no label for the string.

$result | Select * doesn't show me the string

$Result.gettype() shows it is [object] System.Array

I can do $result[0] will show me str3
And then $result[0].PSComputername will show Server3

How do I get that whole array on the screen or dumped to csv together? I'd like to see

Server3        str3
Server2        str2


  • You can use Select-Object to create new objects consisting of the attached PSComputerName property along with a new named property containing the intrinsic value of the original string:

    $result |Select-Object PSComputerName,@{Name='Value';Expression={"$_"}}

    To learn more about using Select-Object with property expressions, see the about_Calculated_Properties help topic