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How to extract all perfect matches > 10 nucleotides in a pairwise alignement made with Biostrings in R?

I have aligned 2 DNAStringSet, and use the Biostring package. I would like to extract all the portions of the sequences that match perfectly and are at least 10 nucleotides (nt) long, as well as the position of the match in both the pattern and the query sequence.

Reproducible example

dna_alphabet <- DNA_ALPHABET[1:4]
seq1_random <- sample(dna_alphabet, 100, replace = TRUE)
seq2_random <- sample(dna_alphabet, 100, replace = TRUE)

match_12 <- sample(dna_alphabet, 12, replace = TRUE)
match_15 <- sample(dna_alphabet, 15, replace = TRUE)
match_23 <- sample(dna_alphabet, 23, replace = TRUE)

seq1_random[15:(15+11)] <- match_12
seq2_random[17:(17+11)] <- match_12 
seq1_random[41:(41+14)] <- match_15
seq2_random[40:(40+14)] <- match_15
seq1_random[70:(70+22)] <- match_23
seq2_random[73:(73+22)] <- match_23

seq1 <- DNAString(paste(seq1_random, collapse = ""))
seq2 <- DNAString(paste(seq2_random, collapse = ""))

alignment <- pairwiseAlignment(pattern = seq1, subject = seq2, type = "global")

Global PairwiseAlignmentsSingleSubject (1 of 1)
score: -138.1462 

Expected Result

> df_results
            perfect_match start_pos_pattern end_pos_pattern start_pos_subject end_pos_subject
1            CCTATTCGTTTG                15              26                17              28
2         ATTTCACGTGAGTCA                41              55                40              54
3 ACGACCATTTCTAACATGAATTC                70              92                73              95

My actual alignment is >15,000 nt long, so I need to find an efficient way to proceed. I am more familiar with the {tidyverse} than {data.table} options, if possible.

Current attempt:

What I found so far is: Extract the aligned sequences:

aligned_pattern_str <- as.character(alignment@pattern)
aligned_subject_str <- as.character(alignment@subject)

Then: I use a rolling window to compare the first character in aligned_pattern_str and the first character in aligned_subject_str. If they don´t match, I compare the second of each etc until they match. Once they match: I keep comparing the next characters until there is a mismtach. Then, if the match is >10 nucleotide, I report it, otherwise Idont. And I keep proceeding until the entire sequences have been covered.

So my code to that step:

match_start <- NULL
match_length <- 0
matches <- list()

for (i in 1:nchar(aligned_pattern_str)) {
  if (substr(aligned_pattern_str, i, i) == substr(aligned_subject_str, i, i) && substr(aligned_pattern_str, i, i) != "-") &&  {
    if (is.null(match_start)) {
      match_start <- i
    match_length <- match_length + 1
  } else {
    if (!is.null(match_start) && match_length > 10) {
      matches[[length(matches) + 1]] <- list(start = match_start, end = i - 1, length = match_length)
    match_start <- NULL
    match_length <- 0

if (!is.null(match_start) && match_length > 10) {
  matches[[length(matches) + 1]] <- list(start = match_start, end = nchar(aligned_pattern_str), length = match_length)

for (match in matches) {
  cat(sprintf("Match from %d to %d, Length: %d\n", match$start, match$end, match$length))

Match from 17 to 28, Length: 12
Match from 43 to 57, Length: 15
Match from 76 to 98, Length: 23


It is not the final answer:

  1. at this point, I only have the position in the aligned pattern sequence. Which means that the mismatch that occured before the match, noted - -, are counted in the positions. So instead of having the positions 17-28, 40-54, and 73-95 in the subject sequence, the code returns 17-28, 43-57, and 76-98 (cf the expected results versus the results from the current lead).
  2. the current attempt does not provide the matched positions in the subject sequence.
  3. Finally, I don´t have a dataframe but a list at this point.


  • Here is what I eventually found. It might not be the most efficient way to go,especially over long alignments, and it uses a loop, which I was told to avoid in R. But it gets the job done:

    First, I extract the aligned sequences:

    > aligned_pattern_str <- as.character(alignment@pattern)
    > aligned_pattern_str 
    > aligned_subject_str <- as.character(alignment@subject)
    > aligned_subject_str 

    I create 3 variables:

    match_start <- NULL
    match_length <- 0
    matches <- list()

    Then I create a function to correct the positions with the number of gaps:

    count_gaps_before <- function(seq, pos) {
      sub_seq <- substr(seq, 1, pos)
      char_vec <- strsplit(sub_seq, "")[[1]]
      gap_count <- sum(char_vec == "-")

    And I loop over the aligned sequences:

    for (i in 1:nchar(aligned_pattern_str)) {
      if (substr(aligned_pattern_str, i, i) == substr(aligned_subject_str, i, i) && substr(aligned_pattern_str, i, i) != "-") {
        if (is.null(match_start)) {
          match_start <- i
        match_length <- match_length + 1
      } else {
        if (!is.null(match_start) && match_length >= 10) {
          pattern_gaps <- count_gaps_before(aligned_pattern_str, match_start)
          subject_gaps <- count_gaps_before(aligned_subject_str, match_start)
          matching_sequence <- substr(aligned_pattern_str, match_start, match_start + match_length - 1)
          matching_sequence <- gsub("-", "", matching_sequence) # Remove gaps from the matching sequence
          matches[[length(matches) + 1]] <- list(
            start_pattern = match_start - pattern_gaps,
            end_pattern = (match_start + match_length - 1) - count_gaps_before(aligned_pattern_str, match_start + match_length - 1),
            start_subject = match_start - subject_gaps,
            end_subject = (match_start + match_length - 1) - count_gaps_before(aligned_subject_str, match_start + match_length - 1),
            length = match_length,
            sequence = matching_sequence
        match_start <- NULL
        match_length <- 0
    if (!is.null(match_start) && match_length >= 10) {
      pattern_gaps <- count_gaps_before(aligned_pattern_str, match_start)
      subject_gaps <- count_gaps_before(aligned_subject_str, match_start)
      matching_sequence <- substr(aligned_pattern_str, match_start, nchar(aligned_pattern_str))
      matching_sequence <- gsub("-", "", matching_sequence) 
      matches[[length(matches) + 1]] <- list(
        start_pattern = match_start - pattern_gaps,
        end_pattern = nchar(aligned_pattern_str) - count_gaps_before(aligned_pattern_str, nchar(aligned_pattern_str)),
        start_subject = match_start - subject_gaps,
        end_subject = nchar(aligned_subject_str) - count_gaps_before(aligned_subject_str, nchar(aligned_subject_str)),
        length = match_length,
        sequence = matching_sequence

    I then print the list of matches:

    for (match in matches) {
      cat(sprintf("Match from %d to %d in pattern, from %d to %d in subject, Length: %d, Sequence: %s\n",
                  match$start_pattern, match$end_pattern, match$start_subject, match$end_subject, match$length, match$sequence))

    And I transform the list into a data frame:

    matches_df <-, lapply(matches, function(x) {
             sequence = x$sequence,
             from_in_pattern = x$start_pattern,
             to_in_pattern = x$end_pattern,
             from_in_subject = x$start_subject,
             to_in_subject = x$end_subject,
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE # Ensure character data remains as character type

    The results is:

    > matches_df
                     sequence from_in_pattern to_in_pattern from_in_subject to_in_subject
    1            CCTATTCGTTTG              15            26              17            28
    2         ATTTCACGTGAGTCA              41            55              40            54
    3 ACGACCATTTCTAACATGAATTC              70            92              73            95