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Creating list of pdf files

I have a list of parts. All parts have PDF files on the server. Now, I want to create a list of links to these files based on data from the model. The file location is \Server\Files\Pdf. In the model, there is a field called HeadPart, which appears as "PART-332-223-122". I simply need to add ".pdf" at the end of the link.

I wanted to do it this way, but I got error CS1061:

<a href="\\Server\Files\Pdf\@item.HeadPart.pdf">@item.HeadPart</a>


  • Consider what the language parser is being told here:


    You're looking for a property called pdf on the property HeadPart (which is presumably a string). The error is telling you that no such property exists.

    You can explicitly wrap the server-side expression:


    This tells the parser that specifically item.HeadPart is Razor server-side code and the rest is client-side.