How would compare values in column to see if it's changed for a unique item. For example, how would I modify a query to only display a record if the serial number changed for a specific unique device. In this case there is a new record each day for each DeviceID. An example is below. I'm a noob and have no idea where to start. If my question doesn't make sense or you need additional info please let me know. Thanks in advance.
| mvexpand parse_json(Health_s)
| project Date, DeviceID, ['Type'] = Health_s['Type'], ['XOLabel'] = Health_s['XOLabel'],['Serial'] = Health_s['XOSerial Number'], ['Placement'] = Health_s['XOPlNumber'], Status
Date DeviceID Type Label Serial Placement Status
03/10/24 FHDFKJSKFJ5 SSD HFM001TD3GX013N 25359_8549_2286_F168_9FFA_5625_3214_0085 0 On
03/10/24 EUXMSFSG78 SSD KBG40ZNS512G 30100_0090_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0157_C6FA 0 On
03/10/24 NMLWHQA98 SSD KBG40ZNS512G H0100_0020_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0121_7017 0 On
03/10/24 WOOFTYUV36 SSD kBG50ZNS512G Z0000_0030_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0389_1C04 0 On
03/10/24 SVDFKJSKF98 SSD HFM001TD3GX014N L0000_0070_0000_0010_0008_0D05_000D_8ACB 0 On
03/09/24 FHDFKJSKFJ5 SSD HFM001TD3GX013N 5ACE4_2E10_2567_E6A5_2EE4_AC00_0000_0001 0 On
03/09/24 EUXMSFSG78 SSD KBG40ZNS512G 30100_0090_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0157_C6FA 0 On
03/09/24 NMLWHQA98 SSD KBG40ZNS512G H0100_0020_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0121_7017 0 On
03/09/24 WOOFTYUV36 SSD kBG50ZNS512G Z0000_0030_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0389_1C04 0 On
03/09/24 SVDFKJSKF98 SSD HFM001TD3GX014N L0000_0070_0000_0010_0008_0D05_000D_8ACB 0 On
03/08/24 FHDFKJSKFJ5 SSD HFM001TD3GX013N 5ACE4_2E10_2567_E6A5_2EE4_AC00_0000_0001 0 On
03/08/24 EUXMSFSG78 SSD KBG40ZNS512G 30100_0090_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0157_C6FA 0 On
03/08/24 NMLWHQA98 SSD KBG40ZNS512G H0100_0020_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0121_7017 0 On
03/08/24 WOOFTYUV36 SSD kBG50ZNS512G Z0000_0030_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0389_1C04 0 On
03/08/24 SVDFKJSKF98 SSD HFM001TD3GX014N L0000_0070_0000_0010_0008_0D05_000D_8ACB 0 On
KQL Comparison to Find Changes
To compare column and find changes made in that column you can try with the below code. In first summarization
, it calculates the distinct count of serial numbers for each device DeviceID
and filter it by where distinctCountSerial > 1
now inner
join is performed on the DeviceID and the second summarization
is used for finding the maximum Date
for each DeviceID
and it again performs a inner
join based on Date
and DeviceID
to get the expected result.
Click this link to check the query in Data Explorer.
Query I tried with:
let TableA = datatable(Date: datetime, DeviceID: string, Type: string, Label: string, Serial: string, Placement: int, Status: string)
datetime(2024-03-10), 'FHDFKJSKFJ5', 'SSD', 'HFM001TD3GX013N', '25359_8549_2286_F168_9FFA_5625_3214_0085', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-10), 'EUXMSFSG78', 'SSD', 'KBG40ZNS512G', '30100_0090_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0157_C6FA', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-10), 'NMLWHQA98', 'SSD', 'KBG40ZNS512G', 'H0100_0020_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0121_7017', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-10), 'WOOFTYUV36', 'SSD', 'kBG50ZNS512G', 'Z0000_0030_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0389_1C04', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-10), 'SVDFKJSKF98', 'SSD', 'HFM001TD3GX014N', 'L0000_0070_0000_0010_0008_0D05_000D_8ACB', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-09), 'FHDFKJSKFJ5', 'SSD', 'HFM001TD3GX013N', '5ACE4_2E10_2567_E6A5_2EE4_AC00_0000_0001', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-09), 'EUXMSFSG78', 'SSD', 'KBG40ZNS512G', '30100_0090_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0157_C6FA', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-09), 'NMLWHQA98', 'SSD', 'KBG40ZNS512G', 'H0100_0020_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0121_7017', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-09), 'WOOFTYUV36', 'SSD', 'kBG50ZNS512G', 'Z0000_0030_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0389_1C04', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-09), 'SVDFKJSKF98', 'SSD', 'HFM001TD3GX014N', 'L0000_0070_0000_0010_0008_0D05_000D_8ACB', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-08), 'FHDFKJSKFJ5', 'SSD', 'HFM001TD3GX013N', '5ACE4_2E10_2567_E6A5_2EE4_AC00_0000_0001', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-08), 'EUXMSFSG78', 'SSD', 'KBG40ZNS512G', '30100_0090_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0157_C6FA', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-08), 'NMLWHQA98', 'SSD', 'KBG40ZNS512G', 'H0100_0020_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0121_7017', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-08), 'WOOFTYUV36', 'SSD', 'kBG50ZNS512G', 'Z0000_0030_0000_0000_8CE3_8E04_0389_1C04', 0, 'On',
datetime(2024-03-08), 'SVDFKJSKF98', 'SSD', 'HFM001TD3GX014N', 'L0000_0070_0000_0010_0008_0D05_000D_8ACB', 0, 'On'
| summarize distinctCountSerial = count_distinct(Serial) by DeviceID
| where distinctCountSerial > 1
| join kind=inner (
) on DeviceID
| summarize Date = max(Date) by DeviceID
| join kind=inner (
TableA) on Date, DeviceID
| project Date, DeviceID, Type, Label, Serial, Placement, Status