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AWS DMS VS Oracle Golden Gate for object names (over 30 bytes)

I am planning to use AWS DMS to migrate Oracle data with the CDC option. It has a limitation on "AWS DMS doesn't support long object names (over 30 bytes)". As renaming the column will impact Datamodel and code changes, so i can't opt for that.

I tried research on Oracle Golden Gate but was not able to find any similar limitations or not.

Do we have any other options to migrate data with real-time data availability for the Oracle database?


  • I'd say that this isn't Golden Gate's limitation, but rather Oracle database's.

    Identifier Name Length and Uniqueness specifies that

    Oracle Database prior to version 12.2 limit identifier names, such as table names, column names, and primary key names, to 30 characters. Oracle Database 12.2 and higher have a default limit of 128 characters.

    Furthermore, Limitations on using Oracle as a source for AWS DMS says (among other limitations)

    AWS DMS doesn't support long object names (over 30 bytes).

    That's just how it is; implementation is such that it won't support names longer than 30 bytes.

    I never did what you're trying to do, but it seems that the whole process wasn't scanned in details because you first set data model (which uses long object names), and then decided to perform migration which can't be done due to "wrong" decision in the 1st step.

    What to do? I'm afraid that option you already know:

    As renaming the column will impact Datamodel and code changes, so i can't opt for that.

    is the one. Would I want to do that? Certainly not! But, what can you do? No idea; someone else might have it, though.