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Nextjs weather app trying to call api. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I get unauthorized error

Am I doing the api handling right? Or is there something I'm missing? This was originally a create react app project and now I'm trying to migrate to nextjs so maybe I'm missing something with how api calls should be done. Let me know if I need to show any more of my code.

This is in a separate from the main program.

export default async function ApiHandler(location) {

    const data = await fetch(
    const res = await data.json();

      } catch (error){
          console.log("Error connecting to api");
          return new Response("Error in getting weather data", { status: 500 });



  • In NextJs you need to use the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix on your env variable for them to be exposed in client components (assuming you are using a client component here)

    See the docs: