I want to basically hide my tabs on the top of my terminal. I know I can do it using :set showtabline = 0
but I have to keep doing this everytime I start up neovim. I thought that I could set it up in the options.lua
file as such:
vim.opt.showtabline = 0
But it doesn't work. I even tried using .vimrc
(which doesn't work as well) and I also symlink it to .nvimrc
which also doesn't work. How can I apply this permanently or at least on neovim startup? Note that I'm using LazyVim.
With Lazyvim buffers/tabs are displayed via bufferline.nvim plugin, see https://www.lazyvim.org/plugins/ui
If you don't want to use it, you can disable it in lua/plugins/disabled.lua
file (see https://www.lazyvim.org/configuration/plugins). Specifically, you should add:
return {
enabled = false,