I'm trying to unit test a component that has a child component called <ButtonStandard>
which captures a click event and emits a custom event called pressed
The parent component captures the pressed
event and runs a method methods.toggleArchive
I am trying to test that the correct method is run when a specific <ButtonStandard>
is clicked.
The component I'm trying to test:
<script setup>
const methods = {
//toggle archive for this chat
And my test:
it("should call toggle_archive route when clicked", () => {
const methods = {
toggleArchive : vi.fn(() => console.log('success'))
const wrapper = mount(ConversationStatus, {
propsData: {
conversation : testConversation,
showButtons : true
Just in case you land here with a similar problem, it turns out my issue with calling trigger('click')
on my child component was because my @click
listener was not on the root element in the child component
<template >
<ToolTip :tooltip="tooltip message">
<div ref="button" @click="clicked">
<slot />
Moving it to the root element resolved it
<template >
<ToolTip :tooltip="tooltip message" @click="clicked">
<div ref="button">
<slot />