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CX_Oracle for python, under Anaconda is not installing

Anaconda keeps telling me that cx_oracle needs python 3.4.

My conda version is 4.3.17

This is after I used the installer. which is supposed to be used for Python 3.5.

conda install -c anaconda cx_oracle=5.2
Fetching package metadata ...............
Solving package specifications: .
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- cx_oracle 5.2* -> python 3.4*
- python 3.5*
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.

I'm doing something stupid, but I'm not sure what. yet. ideas? hints?


  • I had a similar issue and it seems that you python version and the specified version of cx_oracle are not compatible. Being that the case I would suggest

    1. upgrade your python version and get the latest cx_oracle (Recommended, to avoid obsoleted packages)
    2. downgrade your python version to python3.4 and use the version that you want of cx_oracle. For the first option, I would
    conda install python=3.12
    conda install conda-forge::cx_oracle

    For the second option upgrade/downgrade python in conda

    conda install python=3.4
    conda install -c conda-forge cx_oracle=5.2
    1. Another option (highly recommended) would be to create a conda environment, activate it and install into there you required modules.
    conda create -n your_py34_env python=3.4
    conda activate your_py34_env
    conda install -c conda-forge cx_oracle=5.2