I use custom icon with the default mat-icon with angular. Yet, the mat icon are a bit too thick compared to the one I've created.
I know those icons are treated like fonts, but is it somehow possible to change it like we change the stroke from an svg?
The manage_accounts
icon will have the same thickness as the glob
(I'm using the class="material-icons-outlined"
to have the outlined version of the logo)
Finally found a solution
to be using@font-face {
font-family: 'Material Icons Outlined'; // Add Outlined if needed
font-weight: 200; // The choosen font-weight
font-style: normal;
local('Material Icons Outlined'), // Add Outlined if needed
url('https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/materialsymbolsoutlined/v166/kJF1BvYX7BgnkSrUwT8OhrdQw4oELdPIeeII9v6oDMzByHX9rA6RzaxHMPdY43zj-jCxv3fzvRNU22ZXGJpEpjC_1v-p_4MrImHCIJIZrDAvHOejbd5zrDAt.woff2') format('woff2');
font-display: fallback;
In case you're having an app and which to have it instant load (I'm talking about hybrid app)
local('Material Icons Outlined'), // Add Outlined if needed
local('MaterialIconsOutlined-Light'), // My file name
url('/assets/fonts/MaterialIconsOutlined-Light.woff2') format('woff2');