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How to change mat-icon stroke width

I use custom icon with the default mat-icon with angular. Yet, the mat icon are a bit too thick compared to the one I've created.

I know those icons are treated like fonts, but is it somehow possible to change it like we change the stroke from an svg?


The manage_accounts icon will have the same thickness as the glob
(I'm using the class="material-icons-outlined" to have the outlined version of the logo)

enter image description here


  • Finally found a solution

    1. Go over the google icons website
    2. Make the adjustment the way you like it
    3. Select any icon
    4. In the right side, you'll have the "Static icon font" shown like this
    5. Copy the url
    6. Past it in your browser
    7. It will show you the @font-face to be using
    8. Past those information, as follow, in your app
    @font-face {
      font-family: 'Material Icons Outlined'; // Add Outlined if needed
      font-weight: 200; // The choosen font-weight
      font-style: normal;
        local('Material Icons Outlined'), // Add Outlined if needed
    url('') format('woff2');
      font-display: fallback;

    Use it locally for faster load

    In case you're having an app and which to have it instant load (I'm talking about hybrid app)

    1. Copy the url in your browser
    2. This will download the file in your laptop
    3. Move the font in your asset forlder
    4. Change the target url ->
        local('Material Icons Outlined'), // Add Outlined if needed
        local('MaterialIconsOutlined-Light'), // My file name
        url('/assets/fonts/MaterialIconsOutlined-Light.woff2') format('woff2');
    1. Should work just fine
