In my application I want to show generated graph, using JUNG. It produces JPanel object as output. So, i though it would be just a matter of adding a component to panel. But the graph is drawn outside of its parent panel. Screenshot:
How do I restrict the graph to be only inside the visible area?
The code I use to add graph to panel is this (the border was for me to see panel borders, though it doesnt show for some reason):
Layout<Object, String> layout = new CircleLayout<Object, String> (graphProvider.getGraph());
BasicVisualizationServer<Object,String> graphPanel = new BasicVisualizationServer<Object,String>(layout);
graphPanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder());
panel.getMarketGraphPane().add(graphPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
use GraphZoomScrollPane to add zoom-able graph scrollpane container for VisualizationViewer object as follows:
GraphZoomScrollPane pane = new GraphZoomScrollPane(visualizationViewer);
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
BorderLayout panelMapLayout = new BorderLayout();
panel.add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER);