in Perl I know you can use eval
and *{$func_name}
to call functions dynamically but how do you do this with methods of an object?
for example
sub make_Cake { ... }
sub make_Donut { ... }
sub make_CupCake { ... }
sub make_Soup { ... }
sub make{
my($self,$item) = @_;
if( defined $self->make_$item ){ #call this func if it exists
$self->make_$item( temp => 300, with_eggs => true );
so that if I say something like
#or maybe I have to use the full method name
it will call
You should be able to do something like:
sub make {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
my $method = "make_$item";
Edit: You might want to also use can()
to make sure you're calling a method that can be called:
sub make {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
my $method = "make_$item";
if ($self->can($method)) {
} else {
die "No such method $method";
Edit 2: Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if you really can do that. Code I've written before does something like that, but it doesn't use an object, it uses a class (so you're calling a specific function in a class). It might work as well for objects, but I can't guarantee it.