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Explode a polars DataFrame column without duplicating other column values

As a minimum example, let's say we have next polars.DataFrame:

df = pl.DataFrame({"sub_id": [1,2,3], "engagement": ["one:one,two:two", "one:two,two:one", "one:one"], "total_duration": [123, 456, 789]})

sub_id engagement total_duration
1 one:one,two:two 123
2 one:two,two:one 456
3 one:one 789

then, we explode "engagement" column

df = df.with_columns(pl.col("engagement").str.split(",")).explode("engagement")

and receive:

sub_id engagement total_duration
1 one:one 123
1 two:two 123
2 one:two 456
2 two:one 456
3 one:one 789

For visualization I use Plotly, and code would be following:

import as px
fig =, x="sub_id", y="total_duration", color="engagement")

Resulting plot:

Resulting plot

Now it basically means that subscribers 1 and 2 have their total_duration (total watched time) doubled. How could I remain total_duration per sub, but leaving engagement groups as shown on the plot legend?


  • An option to handle this in polars would be to split total_duration equally between engagement rows within sub_id. For this, we simply divide total_duration by the number of rows of the given sub_id.

            pl.col("total_duration") / pl.len().over("sub_id")
    shape: (5, 3)
    │ sub_id ┆ engagement ┆ total_duration │
    │ ---    ┆ ---        ┆ ---            │
    │ i64    ┆ str        ┆ f64            │
    │ 1      ┆ one:one    ┆ 61.5           │
    │ 1      ┆ two:two    ┆ 61.5           │
    │ 2      ┆ one:two    ┆ 228.0          │
    │ 2      ┆ two:one    ┆ 228.0          │
    │ 3      ┆ one:one    ┆ 789.0          │