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Accumulate all combinations of a subset of numbers from a flat array to generate a 2d array of combinations and their product

I have a function that takes randomly take 4 unique numbers from an array and multiply them. Problem with the script below is it only print out the products. I would like for each set of 4 numbers and its product to be in its own array and all the arrays into a main array, forming a 2 dimensional array.

My current script:

//Pruning outcome from controlled lists of Prime Numbers
$primes = array(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23);

function getAllCombinations($arr, $n, $selected = array(), $startIndex = 0) {
  if ($n == 0) {
    $product = 1;
    foreach ($selected as $prime) {
      $pr[] = $prime;
      $product *= $prime;
      $pr[] = $prime;
    echo "Product: $product\n";

  for ($i = $startIndex; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
    $selected[] = $arr[$i];
    getAllCombinations($arr, $n - 1, $selected, $i + 1);
    array_pop($selected); // Backtrack and remove the element for next iteration

getAllCombinations($primes, 4);

Instead of using echo resulting as :

Product: 210 Product: 330 Product: 390 Product: 510, 

I would prefer them to be in 2 dimensional array so that each row is the combination of numbers with the product as the last element in the row:

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    0 => 2,
    1 => 3,
    2 => 5,
    3 => 7,
    4 => 210,
  1 => 
  array (
    0 => 2,
    1 => 3,
    2 => 5,
    3 => 11,
    4 => 330,
  2 => 
  array (
    0 => 2,
    1 => 3,
    2 => 5,
    3 => 13,
    4 => 390,


  • I believe this may be what you are trying to do.


    $primes = array(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23);
    // Create array to hold the combinations and their products
    $allCombinations = [];
    function getAllCombinations($arr, $n, &$allCombinations, $selected = array(), $startIndex = 0) {
        if ($n == 0) {
            $product = 1;
            foreach ($selected as $prime) {
                $product *= $prime;
            // Add each combination and its product to the $allCombinations array
            $selected[] = $product;
            $allCombinations[] = $selected;
        for ($i = $startIndex; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
            $selected[] = $arr[$i];
            getAllCombinations($arr, $n - 1, $allCombinations, $selected, $i + 1);
    getAllCombinations($primes, 4, $allCombinations);
    // To view the result
    foreach ($allCombinations as $index => $combination) {
        $textRepresentation = "";
        // loop through each element in the combination
        foreach ($combination as $innerIndex => $value) {
            // add the current element's index and value
            if ($innerIndex < count($combination) - 1) { // for elements before the product
                $textRepresentation .= "[$index][$innerIndex] => $value ";
            } else { // for the product
                $textRepresentation .= "and the product would be in [$index][$innerIndex] => $value";
        echo $textRepresentation . "<br>";


    [0][0] => 2 [0][1] => 3 [0][2] => 5 [0][3] => 7 and the product would be in [0][4] => 210
    [1][0] => 2 [1][1] => 3 [1][2] => 5 [1][3] => 11 and the product would be in [1][4] => 330
    [2][0] => 2 [2][1] => 3 [2][2] => 5 [2][3] => 13 and the product would be in [2][4] => 390
    [3][0] => 2 [3][1] => 3 [3][2] => 5 [3][3] => 17 and the product would be in [3][4] => 510
    [4][0] => 2 [4][1] => 3 [4][2] => 5 [4][3] => 19 and the product would be in [4][4] => 570
    [5][0] => 2 [5][1] => 3 [5][2] => 5 [5][3] => 23 and the product would be in [5][4] => 690
    [6][0] => 2 [6][1] => 3 [6][2] => 7 [6][3] => 11 and the product would be in [6][4] => 462
    [7][0] => 2 [7][1] => 3 [7][2] => 7 [7][3] => 13 and the product would be in [7][4] => 546
    [8][0] => 2 [8][1] => 3 [8][2] => 7 [8][3] => 17 and the product would be in [8][4] => 714
    [9][0] => 2 [9][1] => 3 [9][2] => 7 [9][3] => 19 and the product would be in [9][4] => 798
    [10][0] => 2 [10][1] => 3 [10][2] => 7 [10][3] => 23 and the product would be in [10][4] => 966
    [11][0] => 2 [11][1] => 3 [11][2] => 11 [11][3] => 13 and the product would be in [11][4] => 858
    [12][0] => 2 [12][1] => 3 [12][2] => 11 [12][3] => 17 and the product would be in [12][4] => 1122
    [13][0] => 2 [13][1] => 3 [13][2] => 11 [13][3] => 19 and the product would be in [13][4] => 1254
    [14][0] => 2 [14][1] => 3 [14][2] => 11 [14][3] => 23 and the product would be in [14][4] => 1518
    [15][0] => 2 [15][1] => 3 [15][2] => 13 [15][3] => 17 and the product would be in [15][4] => 1326
    [16][0] => 2 [16][1] => 3 [16][2] => 13 [16][3] => 19 and the product would be in [16][4] => 1482
    [17][0] => 2 [17][1] => 3 [17][2] => 13 [17][3] => 23 and the product would be in [17][4] => 1794
    [18][0] => 2 [18][1] => 3 [18][2] => 17 [18][3] => 19 and the product would be in [18][4] => 1938
    [19][0] => 2 [19][1] => 3 [19][2] => 17 [19][3] => 23 and the product would be in [19][4] => 2346
    [20][0] => 2 [20][1] => 3 [20][2] => 19 [20][3] => 23 and the product would be in [20][4] => 2622
    [21][0] => 2 [21][1] => 5 [21][2] => 7 [21][3] => 11 and the product would be in [21][4] => 770
    [22][0] => 2 [22][1] => 5 [22][2] => 7 [22][3] => 13 and the product would be in [22][4] => 910
    [23][0] => 2 [23][1] => 5 [23][2] => 7 [23][3] => 17 and the product would be in [23][4] => 1190
    [24][0] => 2 [24][1] => 5 [24][2] => 7 [24][3] => 19 and the product would be in [24][4] => 1330
    [25][0] => 2 [25][1] => 5 [25][2] => 7 [25][3] => 23 and the product would be in [25][4] => 1610
    [26][0] => 2 [26][1] => 5 [26][2] => 11 [26][3] => 13 and the product would be in [26][4] => 1430
    [27][0] => 2 [27][1] => 5 [27][2] => 11 [27][3] => 17 and the product would be in [27][4] => 1870
    [28][0] => 2 [28][1] => 5 [28][2] => 11 [28][3] => 19 and the product would be in [28][4] => 2090
    [29][0] => 2 [29][1] => 5 [29][2] => 11 [29][3] => 23 and the product would be in [29][4] => 2530
    [30][0] => 2 [30][1] => 5 [30][2] => 13 [30][3] => 17 and the product would be in [30][4] => 2210
    [31][0] => 2 [31][1] => 5 [31][2] => 13 [31][3] => 19 and the product would be in [31][4] => 2470
    [32][0] => 2 [32][1] => 5 [32][2] => 13 [32][3] => 23 and the product would be in [32][4] => 2990
    [33][0] => 2 [33][1] => 5 [33][2] => 17 [33][3] => 19 and the product would be in [33][4] => 3230
    [34][0] => 2 [34][1] => 5 [34][2] => 17 [34][3] => 23 and the product would be in [34][4] => 3910
    [35][0] => 2 [35][1] => 5 [35][2] => 19 [35][3] => 23 and the product would be in [35][4] => 4370
    [36][0] => 2 [36][1] => 7 [36][2] => 11 [36][3] => 13 and the product would be in [36][4] => 2002
    [37][0] => 2 [37][1] => 7 [37][2] => 11 [37][3] => 17 and the product would be in [37][4] => 2618
    [38][0] => 2 [38][1] => 7 [38][2] => 11 [38][3] => 19 and the product would be in [38][4] => 2926
    [39][0] => 2 [39][1] => 7 [39][2] => 11 [39][3] => 23 and the product would be in [39][4] => 3542
    [40][0] => 2 [40][1] => 7 [40][2] => 13 [40][3] => 17 and the product would be in [40][4] => 3094
    [41][0] => 2 [41][1] => 7 [41][2] => 13 [41][3] => 19 and the product would be in [41][4] => 3458
    [42][0] => 2 [42][1] => 7 [42][2] => 13 [42][3] => 23 and the product would be in [42][4] => 4186
    [43][0] => 2 [43][1] => 7 [43][2] => 17 [43][3] => 19 and the product would be in [43][4] => 4522
    [44][0] => 2 [44][1] => 7 [44][2] => 17 [44][3] => 23 and the product would be in [44][4] => 5474
    [45][0] => 2 [45][1] => 7 [45][2] => 19 [45][3] => 23 and the product would be in [45][4] => 6118
    [46][0] => 2 [46][1] => 11 [46][2] => 13 [46][3] => 17 and the product would be in [46][4] => 4862
    [47][0] => 2 [47][1] => 11 [47][2] => 13 [47][3] => 19 and the product would be in [47][4] => 5434
    [48][0] => 2 [48][1] => 11 [48][2] => 13 [48][3] => 23 and the product would be in [48][4] => 6578
    [49][0] => 2 [49][1] => 11 [49][2] => 17 [49][3] => 19 and the product would be in [49][4] => 7106
    [50][0] => 2 [50][1] => 11 [50][2] => 17 [50][3] => 23 and the product would be in [50][4] => 8602
    [51][0] => 2 [51][1] => 11 [51][2] => 19 [51][3] => 23 and the product would be in [51][4] => 9614
    [52][0] => 2 [52][1] => 13 [52][2] => 17 [52][3] => 19 and the product would be in [52][4] => 8398
    [53][0] => 2 [53][1] => 13 [53][2] => 17 [53][3] => 23 and the product would be in [53][4] => 10166
    [54][0] => 2 [54][1] => 13 [54][2] => 19 [54][3] => 23 and the product would be in [54][4] => 11362
    [55][0] => 2 [55][1] => 17 [55][2] => 19 [55][3] => 23 and the product would be in [55][4] => 14858
    [56][0] => 3 [56][1] => 5 [56][2] => 7 [56][3] => 11 and the product would be in [56][4] => 1155
    [57][0] => 3 [57][1] => 5 [57][2] => 7 [57][3] => 13 and the product would be in [57][4] => 1365
    [58][0] => 3 [58][1] => 5 [58][2] => 7 [58][3] => 17 and the product would be in [58][4] => 1785
    [59][0] => 3 [59][1] => 5 [59][2] => 7 [59][3] => 19 and the product would be in [59][4] => 1995
    [60][0] => 3 [60][1] => 5 [60][2] => 7 [60][3] => 23 and the product would be in [60][4] => 2415
    [61][0] => 3 [61][1] => 5 [61][2] => 11 [61][3] => 13 and the product would be in [61][4] => 2145
    [62][0] => 3 [62][1] => 5 [62][2] => 11 [62][3] => 17 and the product would be in [62][4] => 2805
    [63][0] => 3 [63][1] => 5 [63][2] => 11 [63][3] => 19 and the product would be in [63][4] => 3135
    [64][0] => 3 [64][1] => 5 [64][2] => 11 [64][3] => 23 and the product would be in [64][4] => 3795
    [65][0] => 3 [65][1] => 5 [65][2] => 13 [65][3] => 17 and the product would be in [65][4] => 3315
    [66][0] => 3 [66][1] => 5 [66][2] => 13 [66][3] => 19 and the product would be in [66][4] => 3705
    [67][0] => 3 [67][1] => 5 [67][2] => 13 [67][3] => 23 and the product would be in [67][4] => 4485
    [68][0] => 3 [68][1] => 5 [68][2] => 17 [68][3] => 19 and the product would be in [68][4] => 4845
    [69][0] => 3 [69][1] => 5 [69][2] => 17 [69][3] => 23 and the product would be in [69][4] => 5865
    [70][0] => 3 [70][1] => 5 [70][2] => 19 [70][3] => 23 and the product would be in [70][4] => 6555
    [71][0] => 3 [71][1] => 7 [71][2] => 11 [71][3] => 13 and the product would be in [71][4] => 3003
    [72][0] => 3 [72][1] => 7 [72][2] => 11 [72][3] => 17 and the product would be in [72][4] => 3927
    [73][0] => 3 [73][1] => 7 [73][2] => 11 [73][3] => 19 and the product would be in [73][4] => 4389
    [74][0] => 3 [74][1] => 7 [74][2] => 11 [74][3] => 23 and the product would be in [74][4] => 5313
    [75][0] => 3 [75][1] => 7 [75][2] => 13 [75][3] => 17 and the product would be in [75][4] => 4641
    [76][0] => 3 [76][1] => 7 [76][2] => 13 [76][3] => 19 and the product would be in [76][4] => 5187
    [77][0] => 3 [77][1] => 7 [77][2] => 13 [77][3] => 23 and the product would be in [77][4] => 6279
    [78][0] => 3 [78][1] => 7 [78][2] => 17 [78][3] => 19 and the product would be in [78][4] => 6783
    [79][0] => 3 [79][1] => 7 [79][2] => 17 [79][3] => 23 and the product would be in [79][4] => 8211
    [80][0] => 3 [80][1] => 7 [80][2] => 19 [80][3] => 23 and the product would be in [80][4] => 9177
    [81][0] => 3 [81][1] => 11 [81][2] => 13 [81][3] => 17 and the product would be in [81][4] => 7293
    [82][0] => 3 [82][1] => 11 [82][2] => 13 [82][3] => 19 and the product would be in [82][4] => 8151
    [83][0] => 3 [83][1] => 11 [83][2] => 13 [83][3] => 23 and the product would be in [83][4] => 9867
    [84][0] => 3 [84][1] => 11 [84][2] => 17 [84][3] => 19 and the product would be in [84][4] => 10659
    [85][0] => 3 [85][1] => 11 [85][2] => 17 [85][3] => 23 and the product would be in [85][4] => 12903
    [86][0] => 3 [86][1] => 11 [86][2] => 19 [86][3] => 23 and the product would be in [86][4] => 14421
    [87][0] => 3 [87][1] => 13 [87][2] => 17 [87][3] => 19 and the product would be in [87][4] => 12597
    [88][0] => 3 [88][1] => 13 [88][2] => 17 [88][3] => 23 and the product would be in [88][4] => 15249
    [89][0] => 3 [89][1] => 13 [89][2] => 19 [89][3] => 23 and the product would be in [89][4] => 17043
    [90][0] => 3 [90][1] => 17 [90][2] => 19 [90][3] => 23 and the product would be in [90][4] => 22287
    [91][0] => 5 [91][1] => 7 [91][2] => 11 [91][3] => 13 and the product would be in [91][4] => 5005
    [92][0] => 5 [92][1] => 7 [92][2] => 11 [92][3] => 17 and the product would be in [92][4] => 6545
    [93][0] => 5 [93][1] => 7 [93][2] => 11 [93][3] => 19 and the product would be in [93][4] => 7315
    [94][0] => 5 [94][1] => 7 [94][2] => 11 [94][3] => 23 and the product would be in [94][4] => 8855
    [95][0] => 5 [95][1] => 7 [95][2] => 13 [95][3] => 17 and the product would be in [95][4] => 7735
    [96][0] => 5 [96][1] => 7 [96][2] => 13 [96][3] => 19 and the product would be in [96][4] => 8645
    [97][0] => 5 [97][1] => 7 [97][2] => 13 [97][3] => 23 and the product would be in [97][4] => 10465
    [98][0] => 5 [98][1] => 7 [98][2] => 17 [98][3] => 19 and the product would be in [98][4] => 11305
    [99][0] => 5 [99][1] => 7 [99][2] => 17 [99][3] => 23 and the product would be in [99][4] => 13685
    [100][0] => 5 [100][1] => 7 [100][2] => 19 [100][3] => 23 and the product would be in [100][4] => 15295
    [101][0] => 5 [101][1] => 11 [101][2] => 13 [101][3] => 17 and the product would be in [101][4] => 12155
    [102][0] => 5 [102][1] => 11 [102][2] => 13 [102][3] => 19 and the product would be in [102][4] => 13585
    [103][0] => 5 [103][1] => 11 [103][2] => 13 [103][3] => 23 and the product would be in [103][4] => 16445
    [104][0] => 5 [104][1] => 11 [104][2] => 17 [104][3] => 19 and the product would be in [104][4] => 17765
    [105][0] => 5 [105][1] => 11 [105][2] => 17 [105][3] => 23 and the product would be in [105][4] => 21505
    [106][0] => 5 [106][1] => 11 [106][2] => 19 [106][3] => 23 and the product would be in [106][4] => 24035
    [107][0] => 5 [107][1] => 13 [107][2] => 17 [107][3] => 19 and the product would be in [107][4] => 20995
    [108][0] => 5 [108][1] => 13 [108][2] => 17 [108][3] => 23 and the product would be in [108][4] => 25415
    [109][0] => 5 [109][1] => 13 [109][2] => 19 [109][3] => 23 and the product would be in [109][4] => 28405
    [110][0] => 5 [110][1] => 17 [110][2] => 19 [110][3] => 23 and the product would be in [110][4] => 37145
    [111][0] => 7 [111][1] => 11 [111][2] => 13 [111][3] => 17 and the product would be in [111][4] => 17017
    [112][0] => 7 [112][1] => 11 [112][2] => 13 [112][3] => 19 and the product would be in [112][4] => 19019
    [113][0] => 7 [113][1] => 11 [113][2] => 13 [113][3] => 23 and the product would be in [113][4] => 23023
    [114][0] => 7 [114][1] => 11 [114][2] => 17 [114][3] => 19 and the product would be in [114][4] => 24871
    [115][0] => 7 [115][1] => 11 [115][2] => 17 [115][3] => 23 and the product would be in [115][4] => 30107
    [116][0] => 7 [116][1] => 11 [116][2] => 19 [116][3] => 23 and the product would be in [116][4] => 33649
    [117][0] => 7 [117][1] => 13 [117][2] => 17 [117][3] => 19 and the product would be in [117][4] => 29393
    [118][0] => 7 [118][1] => 13 [118][2] => 17 [118][3] => 23 and the product would be in [118][4] => 35581
    [119][0] => 7 [119][1] => 13 [119][2] => 19 [119][3] => 23 and the product would be in [119][4] => 39767
    [120][0] => 7 [120][1] => 17 [120][2] => 19 [120][3] => 23 and the product would be in [120][4] => 52003
    [121][0] => 11 [121][1] => 13 [121][2] => 17 [121][3] => 19 and the product would be in [121][4] => 46189
    [122][0] => 11 [122][1] => 13 [122][2] => 17 [122][3] => 23 and the product would be in [122][4] => 55913
    [123][0] => 11 [123][1] => 13 [123][2] => 19 [123][3] => 23 and the product would be in [123][4] => 62491
    [124][0] => 11 [124][1] => 17 [124][2] => 19 [124][3] => 23 and the product would be in [124][4] => 81719
    [125][0] => 13 [125][1] => 17 [125][2] => 19 [125][3] => 23 and the product would be in [125][4] => 96577