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Makefile Error on Windows: Unsupported GOOS/GOARCH pair linux/amd64 When Building Go Project

I'm working on a Go project on a Windows machine and trying to use a Makefile to build multiple Go Lambda functions for deployment to AWS. My project structure is set up with each Lambda function in a separate directory under src/functions, and each has its own main.go. I'm encountering an issue when running my Makefile's build command in PowerShell through VS Code terminal.

Foler structure


Here's the relevant part of my Makefile:


FUNCTIONS_DIR := src/functions
FUNCTIONS := $(notdir $(wildcard $(FUNCTIONS_DIR)/*))

    @echo "Building functions..."
    @$(foreach func, $(FUNCTIONS), \
        GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go build -o $(FUNCTIONS_DIR)/$(func)/bootstrap $(FUNCTIONS_DIR)/$(func)/main.go; \
        echo "Built $(func)/bootstrap"; \

When I run make build, I receive the following error:

"Building functions..."
go: unsupported GOOS/GOARCH pair linux /amd64 
make: *** [Makefile:25: build] Error 2

I am aware that environment variables in Windows should be set differently, and I've tried using both PowerShell and Command Prompt syntaxes with no success.

Here's what I have tried:

PowerShell Syntax:

    @echo "Building functions..."
    @$(foreach func, $(FUNCTIONS), \
        $Env:GOOS='linux'; $Env:GOARCH='amd64'; go build -o $(FUNCTIONS_DIR)/$(func)/bootstrap $(FUNCTIONS_DIR)/$(func)/main.go; \
        echo "Built $(func)/bootstrap"; \

Command Prompt Syntax:

    @echo "Building functions..."
    @$(foreach func, $(FUNCTIONS), \
        set GOOS=linux && set GOARCH=amd64 && go build -o $(FUNCTIONS_DIR)/$(func)/bootstrap $(FUNCTIONS_DIR)/$(func)/main.go; \
        echo "Built $(func)/bootstrap"; \

I've confirmed that Go is installed correctly, and the go build command works fine when run directly in the terminal for a single function directory.

How can I adjust my Makefile to correctly set environment variables and build my project on Windows?


  • The first thing you should do is remove the @ at the beginning of your makefile recipes, so you can see the actual commands that are being invoked, and check carefully that they contain what you expect. Using @ is like running your compiler with output redirected to /dev/null so you can't see the output then trying to figure out what's wrong.

    In your case, the problem is that $ is a special character to make; it introduces a make variable. So in this line:

    $Env:GOOS='linux'; $Env:GOARCH='amd64'

    the $ is expanded by make and since $E is an empty variable, make will invoke:

    nv:GOOS='linux'; nv:GOARCH='amd64'

    which is wrong. If you hadn't added the @ then make would show you this incorrect text.

    You need to double the dollar sign to escape it:

    $$Env:GOOS='linux'; $$Env:GOARCH='amd64'