At a high level, I want to
links of a
tag inside this locator.This is the code that I have for now (I've removed some sensitive info like URL, etc).
test.describe(`@Header Tests`, () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, context }) => {
await page.goto(".....some url.....");
test(`@smoke Validate all header links give a status of 200`, async ({
}) => {
const elements = page.locator("section#mega-nav a");
const links = await elements.evaluateAll<string[], HTMLAnchorElement>(
(itemTexts) =>
.map((item) => item.href)
.filter((href) => href !== "" && !href.includes("javascript:"))
// visit each link
for (const link of links) {
test(`Check status code for ${link}`, async () => {
// Visit the link
const response = await page.goto(link, {
waitUntil: "domcontentloaded",
// Check if the response status code is 200
But when I run this, I get the below error
Error: Playwright Test did not expect test() to be called here.
Most common reasons include:
- You are calling test() in a configuration file.
- You are calling test() in a file that is imported by the configuration file.
- You have two different versions of @playwright/test. This usually happens
when one of the dependencies in your package.json depends on @playwright/test.
Is is even possible to do this in Playwright? That is to first fetch all the links on a page's div etc and then go to each of these links parallelly to check their statusCode?
I'd use request
rather than page.goto
import {test} from "@playwright/test"; // ^1.41.2
const html = `<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>
<a href="">yc</a>
<a href="">example</a>
<a href="">so</a>
<a href="">bad url</a>
test("all links are valid", async ({page, request}) => {
await page.setContent(html);
const links = await page.locator("a")
.evaluateAll(els => => el.href));
for (const link of links) {
await request.get(link);
to see the test pass)
To speed this up, you can use a task queue (either hand-rolled or a library). Or, less optimally but with simple code and no dependencies, you can iterate in chunks of size N and use Promise.all
to parallelize each chunk:
test("all links are valid", async ({page, request}) => {
await page.setContent(html);
const links = await page.locator("a")
.evaluateAll(els => => el.href));
const chunk = 3;
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i += chunk) {
await Promise.all(links.slice(i, i + chunk).map(e => request.get(e)));