I am currently utilizing the Mapperly library and encountering an issue with generating a mapper. I am working with two classes, which are defined as follows:
class Class1
public int Version { get; }
class Class2
public Version Version { get; }
Class2(Version version) {Version = version;}
The challenge arises with the Version class, which includes a constructor requiring two parameters:
public Version(int major, int minor)
With AutoMapeper I would go with
.ConstructUsing(x => new Version(x, 0))
However, it appears that Mapperly does not support this functionality, or I have yet to discover a solution. The documentation does not provide clarity for my specific situation. Could you please advise if it is possible to achieve the desired mapper generation with Mapperly, and if so, how I might go about it?
Thank you in advance.
You should be able to use a user-implemented mapping method which to map from an integer to a Version: docs. Just add a method like the following to your mapper definition:
private Version MapMajorVersion(int majorVersion) => new Version(majorVersion, 0);