I am getting the error below on running the eslint.
\helpers\getEnvCredentials.ts 4:9 error Require statement not part of import statement @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
That error is referring to these lines of code wherein it is saying that using the "require" statement should be use only on imports. Please see (https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/no-var-requires/) for reference
const dataCredentials = JSON.parse(
require("../fixtures/credentials/" + env + "-credentials.json")
Is there another way to do that line of codes above that will be accepted by eslint?
Depending on eslint
& node
version, there are three available options.
This one is the easiest:
const dataCredentials = JSON.parse(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
require("../fixtures/credentials/" + env + "-credentials.json")
import fs from "node:fs";
// I don't know whether `fs` will resolve the relative path correctly,
// so better use absolute path.
const dataCredentialsLocation = new URL(
`../fixtures/credentials/${env}-credentials.json`, import.meta.url,
// readFileSync returns a buffer that has to be converted into a string.
const dataCredentialsString = fs.readFileSync(dataCredentialsLocation).toString();
// The string can be parsed into an object.
const dataCredentials = JSON.parse(dataCredentialsString);
If you're using "flat" ESLint config, you can specify what rules should be disabled for NodeJS modules.