I've started learning Gleam and am trying to implement a simple filter function to learn more about the language and its syntax. I saw that you can use case
statements with safeguards, but when I tried on my code, I ran into a syntax error that I could not find how to solve. Do you have any tips on how I can fix this mistake?
This is the code:
pub fn filter(list: List(a), function: fn(a) -> Bool) -> List(a) {
case list {
[] -> []
[h, ..t] if function(h) -> [h, ..filter(t, function)]
[h, ..t] if !function(h) -> filter(t, function)
And this is the error message from the compiler:
error: Syntax error
┌─ src/list_ops.gleam:12:25
12 │ [h, ..t] if function(h) -> [h, ..filter(t, function)]
│ ^ I was not expecting this
Expected one of:
Hint: Did you mean to wrap a multi line clause in curly braces?
From the Guards section of the The Gleam Language Tour:
Only a limited set of operators can be used in guards, and functions cannot be called at all.
This restriction of not calling functions in guards is to avoid side effects in pattern matching since any function may be impure, e.g., it can perform an I/O operation.
You can just pattern-match again on the result of function(h)
pub fn filter(list: List(a), function: fn(a) -> Bool) -> List(a) {
case list {
[] -> []
[h, ..t] -> case function(h) {
True -> [h, ..filter(t, function)]
False -> filter(t, function)