I'm facing an issue with MariaDB and Node.js.
When I try to upload data from bluelinky with Node.js to MariaDB, the upload stops after exact 10 (ten) records, no matter if there are 11 or 17.
The missing I add manually.
Before I add the code here, are you aware of some limitation when using Node.js and MariaDB?
Thanks moses
Update 09.08.2023: @Bagus Tesa: I added the code how I get the data.
The console output looks like this:
2023-08-09, 4, 71, 56.5, 116, 62, 112, 08:03:17, 08:44:17, 41, 5, 35, Wednesday 3
2023-08-09, 4, 71, 56.5, 116, 48, 91, 17:36:23, 17:59:23, 23, 6, 13, Wednesday 2
2023-08-09, 4, 71, 56.5, 116, 63, 116, 18:30:51, 18:47:51, 17, 1, 15, Wednesday 1
2023-08-09, 4, 71, 56.5, 116, 53, 110, 19:12:19, 19:22:19, 10, 0, 8, Wednesday 0
However When I have more then ten records, maximum 10 will be uploaded. The problem is, there is no error, it stops for no reason after 10 records
Code to extract and upload the data
// Use the MariaDB Node.js Connector and run npm install mariadb
const mariadb = require('mariadb');
const { kill } = require('process');
// Create a connection pool
const pool =
host: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xx',
port: xxxx,
user: 'user',
password: 'pwd',
database: 'db'
//Bluelinky verbinden
const BlueLinky = require("bluelinky");
const client = new BlueLinky({
username: 'username',
password: 'pwd',
brand: 'hyundai', // 'hyundai', 'kia'
region: 'xx', // 'US', 'EU', 'CA'
pin: 'xx'
async function myLoop() {
//get yesterdays date
const repdate = new Date();
repdate.setDate(repdate.getDate()); // getDate()-1) => yesterday, blank => today
// called when the client logs in successfully
client.on("ready", async () => {
const vehicle = client.getVehicle("xxxxx");
const trpInfo = await vehicle.tripInfo({year: repdate.getFullYear(), month: repdate.getMonth()+1, day: repdate.getDate()});
if (trpInfo != '')
//Erstelle Anzahl der Fahrten
const tripdayCnt = trpInfo[0].tripsCount;
// Errechne Anzahl der Fahrten
i = tripdayCnt - 1
while(0 <= i) {
//Erstelle Datum
const tripdaydateraw = trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(4,6) + '/' + trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(6,8) + '/' + trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(0,4);
const tripdaydate = trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(0,4) + '-' + trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(4,6) + '-' + trpInfo[0].dayRaw.slice(6,8);
const tripdaynameraw = new Date(tripdaydateraw).toLocaleDateString('de-de', {weekday: 'long'});
const tripdayname = tripdaynameraw;
//Erstelle Anzahl der Fahrten
//const tripdayCnt = trpInfo[0].tripsCount;
//Erstelle Tagesdistanz
const tripdayDistance = trpInfo[0].distance;
//Erstelle Tagedurchschnittsgeschwindigkeit
const tripdayavgSpeed = trpInfo[0].speed.avg;
//Erstelle maximale Tagesgeschwindigkeit
const tripdaymaxSpeed = trpInfo[0].speed.max;
//Erstelle Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit Fahrt
const tripavgSpeed = trpInfo[0].trips[i].speed.avg;
//Erstelle maximal Fahrgeschwindigkeit
const tripmaxSpeed = trpInfo[0].trips[i].speed.max;
const strttimstamp = trpInfo[0].trips[i].start;
const endtimstamp = trpInfo[0].trips[i].end;
const strtdate = strttimstamp.toLocaleDateString();
//toLocaleTimeString konvertiert GMT + 1, Startzeit
const strtime = strttimstamp.toLocaleTimeString() ;
const enddate = endtimstamp.toLocaleDateString();
//toLocaleTimeString konvertiert GMT + 1, Endzeit
const endtime = endtimstamp.toLocaleTimeString();
//Fahrzeit in Minuten
const drvtime_minutes = trpInfo[0].trips[i].durations.drive;
//Stehzeit in Minuten
const idletime_minutes = trpInfo[0].trips[i].durations.idle;
const drvdistance = trpInfo[0].trips[i].distance;
const refuel_amt = '0.00'
//Werte Ausgeben
const tripinfodata = tripdaydate + ', ' + tripdayCnt + ', ' + tripdayDistance + ', ' + tripdayavgSpeed + ', ' + tripdaymaxSpeed + ', ' + tripavgSpeed + ', ' + tripmaxSpeed + ', ' + strtime + ', ' + endtime + ', ' + drvtime_minutes + ', ' + idletime_minutes + ', ' + drvdistance + ', ' + tripdayname;
//SQL Statement bauen
let connection
try {
connection = await pool.getConnection()
} catch(error) {
//not connected
return // or: log and/or throw error again
// run insert query
const queryString = "INSERT INTO nightfury_trips (tripdaydate, tripdayCnt, tripdayDistance, tripdayavgSpeed, tripdaymaxSpeed, tripavgSpeed, tripmaxSpeed, strtime, endtime, drvtime_minutes, idletime_minutes, drvdistance, tripdayname, refuel_amt) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"
const queryData = [tripdaydate, tripdayCnt, tripdayDistance, tripdayavgSpeed, tripdaymaxSpeed, tripavgSpeed, tripmaxSpeed, strtime, endtime, drvtime_minutes, idletime_minutes, drvdistance, tripdayname, refuel_amt]
let rowsInserted
try {
rowsInserted = connection.query(queryString, queryData)
} catch (error) {
// handle error
// continue on the next loop
// rows inserted successfully, log them
console.log(tripinfodata, i)
// call myLoop.
// this is an async function
.then(() => console.log('myLoop finished!'))
.catch((error) => console.error('unexpected error:', error))
Per accident I ran into the solution after seven month: Had to add "connectionLimit: 100" to the connection. Thanks to all who answered to my question.