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Bot - Telethon don't scrape Telegram message

So I've coded a Telegram user bot, which retrieves messages the moment they are received in the Telegram channel. It allows me to scrape messages directly.

Except I have a problem, when a certain message is sent in the Telegram channel, the bot doesn't detect it, as if the message was invisible for the bot.

with TelegramClient('bot', config('API_ID'), config('API_HASH')) as client:

  async def new_message_listener(event):
    new_message = event.message.message

It's as if the message is invisible to the bot, and I don't know that the message is there when I check the web or mobile application.

Which is really annoying because it's precisely this kind of message that I want to retrieve.

I asked if there were any restrictions on certain messages on Telegram, but I couldn't find anything clear.

I also changed the part of the code that listens to the event, but without much result.


  • After some research, I've deduced that either Telegram allows you to protect channels from scrapping by the @client.on(events.NewMessage method of Telethon package. I therefore downloaded the last 5 messages every minutes, which I save as a database.

    messages = client.iter_messages(id_channel, limit=5)

    After that, i do the difference with stocked in database messages and downloaded messages by their id.

    Problem "solved"