The default stylesheets of bslib
allow for dateInputs
and other similar kinds of widgets to overlap the boundaries of the card
containers, but not select(ize)Inputs
(so far as I can see).
I've tried adjusting the css position
, z-index
, and other parameters via bs_add_rules
() for .selectize-dropdown
and .selectize-dropdown-content
, but have had no luck in altering the overlap behavior. I think I'm missing something simple, or else not understanding the css conflicts.
In short, how can I get selectizeInput
to behave like dateInput
with respect to z-indexing (i.e. to overlap the box(es), rather than force an overflow with card-internal scrolling)?
Here's a basic reprex:
ui <- page_sidebar(
underline = F,
theme = bs_theme(
version = 5,
font_scale = .8,
bootswatch = "united",
base_font = font_google("Roboto"),
code_font = font_google("JetBrains Mono"),
heading_font = font_google("Prata")
title = "Z-index test",
sidebar = "",
fill = F,
selectizeInput("test_input", "Letters: ", choices = LETTERS)
fill = F,
dateInput("test_date", "Dates")
shinyApp(ui, function(input, output) {})
Session info:
shiny 1.8.0
bslib 0.6.1
The issue is solved by changing the css of card and cardbody:
ui <- page_sidebar(
underline = F,
theme = bs_theme(
version = 5,
font_scale = .8,
bootswatch = "united",
base_font = font_google("Roboto"),
code_font = font_google("JetBrains Mono"),
heading_font = font_google("Prata")
title = "Z-index test",
sidebar = "",
fill = F,
style = "position:relative; z-index:1000;",
selectizeInput("test_input", "Letters: ", choices = LETTERS)
fill = F,
dateInput("test_date", "Dates")
tags$head(tags$style('.card{overflow: visible !important;}'),
tags$style('.card-body{overflow: visible !important;}'))
shinyApp(ui, function(input, output) {})