I want to plot a map. In the early times, everything was OK, but with the absence of rgdal
and maptools
, some functions don't seem to have substitutes. For me it is the case of fortify
; I try tidy
and others functions without success.
In my example:
# Map representation
url <- "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hrbrmstr/91ea5cc9474286c72838/raw/f3fde312c9b816dff3994f39f2bcda03209eff8f/continents.json"
stop_for_status(GET(url, write_disk("continents.json")))
continents <- geojson_sf("continents.json")
continents.f <- continents[continents$CONTINENT %in% c("North America", "Central America", "South America"),]
continents_map <- fortify(continents.f, region="CONTINENT")
gg <- ggplot() # the base map
gg <- gg + geom_map(data=continents_map, map=continents_map,
aes(x=long, y=lat, map_id=id, group=group),
fill="#ffffff", color="black", size=0.15) +
lims(x = c(-110, -20), y = c(-60, 20))
Error in `geom_map()`:
! `map` must have the columns `x`, `y`, and `id`
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.
Please, any help with it?
Just load data with read_sf()
from sf
package and the fortify()
is not necessary. It is recommended to use geom_sf()
to plot map when the geojson data is loaded.
continents <- read_sf("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hrbrmstr/91ea5cc9474286c72838/raw/f3fde312c9b816dff3994f39f2bcda03209eff8f/continents.json")
continents.f <- continents[continents$CONTINENT %in% c("North America", "Central America", "South America"),]
ggplot(data = continents.f) +
geom_sf(fill="#ffffff", color="black", size=0.15) +
lims(x = c(-110, -20), y = c(-60, 20))
# add some values to fill
continents.f$test <- 1:nrow(continents.f)
ggplot(data = continents.f) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = test)) +
lims(x = c(-110, -20), y = c(-60, 20))