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How to send multiple requests to a server at few milliseconds of interval in C#

I have a code that looks like this:

public static async Task<Request> SendRequest(Client client, DateTime startTime, int offset)
    TimeSpan timeToWait = startTime - DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(offset);
    await Task.Delay(timeToWait);
    Request request = client.sendRequest();

async static public Task<Request> SendMultiple(Client client, DateTime startTime)
    var offsets = new[] { -15, -10 };
    offsets.ForEach(offset => tasks.Add(SendRequest(client, startTime, offset));
    Request[] result = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

The problem it seems, is that the prints show that:

08:59:59,985: -15
09:00:00,015: -10

So the first try was indeed, 15 milliseconds before 9AM. However, the second tried 15 milliseconds after 9AM instead of 10 milliseconds prior.

How could I ensure that those requests are being send exactly at the time I want, please?

I am using Ubuntu*


  • I think that your best bet is to wait with a timer (Task.Delay) until a few milliseconds before the target time, and then wait the final milliseconds by spinning. In the example below the spinning duration is set to about 20 milliseconds:

    DateTime targetTime = startTime + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(offset);
    TimeSpan timeToWait = targetTime - DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20);
    if (timeToWait > TimeSpan.Zero) await Task.Delay(timeToWait); // Wait with timer
    while (DateTime.UtcNow < targetTime); // Spin-wait
    Request request = client.sendRequest();

    Spinning consumes a physical CPU thread, so you should avoid spinning on more threads than the number of physical CPU cores of your machine. A more sophisticated approach would be to dedicate just one high-priority master thread for spinning, which would control other worker threads by signaling ManualResetEventSlim components.