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How to implement a cache in Python that efficiently supports both dictionary and heap operations?

Is there a Python data structure that seamlessly combines a dictionary (with nested dictionaries or lists as values) and a heap, allowing sorting based on a specific value within the nested structures?

cache = {"key1": {"time": time1, "info": "key1 info"}, "key2": {"time": time2, "info": "key2 info"}, ...}


cache = {"key1": [time1, "key1 info"], "key2": [time2, "key2 info"], ...}

here time1, time2, ... is the time of insertion or update of the entry.

The goal is to implement an efficient cache, checking key existence, validating the value's freshness (as it becomes outdated over time), and removing the oldest key when the cache is full. The dictionary should support heap operations either by using the nested key "time" or the zeroth element of the list.

Current options considered:

  1. Forming a heap from the dictionary (drawback - expensive operation O(n^2)).
  2. Implementing a class with separately stored heap and dictionary (drawback - complexity of synchronizing data in the heap and dictionary).
  3. Simple iteration through the dictionary in O(n). This option is favored for its simplicity but might not be optimal.

Is there a more efficient solution or a different approach that avoids creating a custom data structure?


  • Python's dict is already insertion ordered (on old versions, use collections.OrderedDict) similar to a time-sorted heap. This means the oldest inserted item is always at the front. Instead of updating values, remove-and-insert the item instead to force moving updated items to the back.

    In order to use dict as a time-based cache, use the following approach. You can turn this into a separate subclass, provide helper functions, or add the code inline. A subclass is nicer and avoids misuses but involves many special methods, so I will show the simpler helper functions and assume a Time To Live (ttl) is given.

    • Items should be of the form "key": (time, value). It is advantageous to have immutable values (i.e. a tuple or NamedTuple) to prevent invalidating the constraint of a valid time.
    • On insertion, remove any previous items of the same key. This forces the item to be inserted at the last position.
      def set(cache, key, value):
           cache.pop(key, None)  # clear the previous position if any
           cache[key] = (time.monotonic(), value))
    • On access, simply check the time. You likely want to directly evict outdated keys on access for efficiency.
      def get(cache, key):
           key_time, value = cache[key]
           if key_time < time.monotonic() + ttl:  # check timestamp validity
               del cache[key]
               raise KeyError(key)
           return value
    • To evict the oldest item, simply fetch the first key and remove this.
      def free(cache):
           if cache:
              oldest_key = next(iter(cache))
              del cache[oldest_key]
    • To evict all outdated items, simply iterate until the first key that is still valid.
      def clean(cache):
           outdated, deadline = [], time.monotonic() + ttl
           for key, (key_time, _) in cache.items():
               if key_time < deadline:
               else:  # all following keys are valid as well
           for key in outdated:
               del cache[key]