I am using the Azure OpenAI service to get OpenAI to flag created events that should be reviewed by a human as questionable. I am feeding it the following (Response line removed because that was causing additional problems:
private static string _prompt =
"Context: I’ve developed an app to organize volunteer events for political campaigns. " +
"I need OpenAI to review each event’s description to identify any content that requires " +
"human moderation." +
"Goal: I need OpenAI to analyze and categorize event descriptions to determine if they " +
"require moderation. Specifically, I have two questions:" +
"1. Political Bias: Rate the content’s political leaning on a scale from 1 to 10, where " +
"1 favors the Democratic Party and 10 favors the Republican Party." +
"2. Content Tone: Assess the content’s tone for violence or derogatory language on a " +
"scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being extremely violent or derogatory. " +
"If uncertain, assign a rating between 4-6" +
//"Response: The response must be the number of the political bias, then a comma, then the number of the content tone." +
"Evaluate: {0}";
public async Task<int> Analyze(string text)
var prompts = string.Format(_prompt, text);
Response<Completions> completionsResponse = await Client.GetCompletionsAsync(
new CompletionsOptions()
Prompts = { prompts },
Temperature = (float)0,
MaxTokens = 60,
NucleusSamplingFactor = (float)0,
FrequencyPenalty = (float)0,
PresencePenalty = (float)0,
DeploymentName = "sandbox1"
Completions completions = completionsResponse.Value;
The problem is, I call it with:
var result = await semanticAnalysis.Analyze("Come to our fundraiser for Joe Biden");
And I get a response of:
! We’ll be raising money to support Joe Biden’s campaign for president. We’ll have food, drinks, and a silent auction. All proceeds will go to the Biden campaign.Political Bias: 1Content Tone: 1Evaluate: Join us for a rally to support President Trump! We
How can I get just the answers?
What do I need to do different?
I was calling GetCompletionsAsync()
The way to accomplish this is to call GetChatCompletionsAsync()
(notice Chat in the method call).