I have several pytest fixtures:
def articles_new(category):
article_new_1 = ArticleFactory.create(category=category["category_1"], status=ArticleStatusChoices.NEW)
article_new_2 = ArticleFactory.create(category=category["category_2"], status=ArticleStatusChoices.NEW)
return {"article_new_1": article_new_1, "article_new_2": article_new_2}
def articles_published_with_readers(category):
article_published_with_readers_1 = ArticleFactory.create(
return {"article_published_with_readers_1": article_published_with_readers_1}
def category(product):
category_1 = CategoryFactory.create(product=product["product_1"])
category_2 = CategoryFactory.create(product=product["product_2"])
return {"category_1": category_1, "category_2": category_2}
def product():
product_1 = ProductFactory.create()
product_2 = ProductFactory.create()
return {"product_1": product_1, "product_2": product_2}
I try to refactor such test:
def test_articles(self, client, user):
res = client.get(reverse("get_article", kwargs={"article_guid": article_new_1.guid}))
assert res.status_code == 200
res = client.get(reverse("get_article", kwargs={"article_guid": article_published_with_readers_1.guid}))
assert res.status_code == 403
into something like that:
"article, expected",
def test_articles(self, client, user, article, expected):
res = client.get(reverse("get_article", kwargs={"article_guid": article.guid}))
assert res.status_code == expected
How can this problem be solved?
Note: article_new_1 and article_published_with_readers_1 have different categories.
Here is one way to solve this:
import logging
import pytest
def client(): ...
def user(): ...
def category(product):
category_1 = "category_1"
category_2 = "category_2"
return {"category_1": category_1, "category_2": category_2}
def product():
product_1 = "product_1"
product_2 = "product_2"
return {"product_1": product_1, "product_2": product_2}
def create_new_article(category):
return f"article with category {category['category_1']}"
def publish_article(category):
return f"published article with category {category['category_1']}"
"article_type, expected",
pytest.param("new", 200, id="success case"),
pytest.param("published", 403, id="failed case"),
def test_article(client, user, category, article_type, expected):
logging.debug("article_type=%r", article_type)
if article_type == "new":
article = create_new_article(category)
elif article_type == "published":
article = publish_article(category)
raise ValueError("Invalid article type")
# Do something with article and expected
logging.debug("article=%r", article)
logging.debug("expected=%r", expected)
# assert res.status_code == expected
test_it.py::test_article[success case]
-------------------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------------------
DEBUG root:test_it.py:44 article_type='new'
DEBUG root:test_it.py:53 article='article with category category_1'
DEBUG root:test_it.py:54 expected=200
test_it.py::test_article[failed case]
-------------------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------------------
DEBUG root:test_it.py:44 article_type='published'
DEBUG root:test_it.py:53 article='published article with category category_1'
DEBUG root:test_it.py:54 expected=403
========================================== 2 passed in 0.01s ==========================================
Instead of passing into the test the actual article, I passed in article_type
: "new" or "published". In the test, I will use this article type to determine which type of article to create.
and publish_article()
are not fixtures, they are just normal functions
I mocked those fixtures/functions/classes which I don't have access to
Instead of
("new", 200)
I use
pytest.param("new", 200, id="success case")
This allow the flexibility of given each parametrized case a name such as "success case" or "failed case"
This solution is a bit messy with a big if
block used to create the article instead of passing the article directly into the test, but it is simple and easy to understand.