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In Rcpp, how to include cpp package that installed in cluster?

I am trying to include the boost package in Rcpp file by:

#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>

Since it is installed under the route of a high performance computing cluster, so I change the route to:

#include "/storage/icds/RISE/sw8/boost_1_81_0/boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp"

However, within the binomial.hpp, there are other hpp files that I don't have the permission to alter their routes, so I failed to include the binomial.hpp.

Is there a way for me to include the package?


  • You are better off using the CRAN package BH together with Rcpp. See the Rcpp Gallery site for examples.

    Here is a simple example that

    • accesses the header you list for the Binomial
    • show the first few lines of the Boost example for it
    • keeping it simple with no returns etc

    You can Rcpp::sourceCpp(filename_here) it.

    // [[Rcpp::depends(BH)]]
    #include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
    using boost::math::binomial;
    #include <Rcpp/Lighter>
    // [[Rcpp::export]]
    void mybinom(double success_fraction = 0.5, int flips = 10) {
        Rcpp::Rcout << "Using Binomial distribution to predict how many heads and tails." << std::endl;
        binomial flip(flips, success_fraction);
        Rcpp::Rcout << "From " << flips << " one can expect to get on average "
                    << mean(flip) << " heads (or tails)." << std::endl
                    << "Mode is " << mode(flip) << std::endl
                    << "Standard deviation is " << standard_deviation(flip) << std::endl
                    << "So about 2/3 will lie within 1 standard deviation and get between "
                    <<  ceil(mean(flip) - standard_deviation(flip))  << " and "
                    << floor(mean(flip) + standard_deviation(flip)) << " correct." << std::endl
                    << "Skewness is " << skewness(flip) << std::endl;
    /*** R

    Note, of course, that you can also get Binomial from R via Rcpp. That is also documented at the Rcpp Gallery.