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Leverage broadcasting to make this subtraction more efficient

I have an array x of shape (N, T, d). I have two functions f and g which both take an array of shape (some_dimension, d) and return an array of shape (some_dimension, ).

I would like to compute f on all of x. This is simple: f(x.reshape(-1, d)).

I would then like to compute g only on the first slice of the second dimension, meaning g(x[:, 0, :]) and subtract this to the evaluation of f on for all dimensions. This is exemplified in the code

MWE - Inefficient Way

import numpy as np

# Reproducibility
seed = 1234
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)

# Generate x
N = 100
T = 10
d = 2
x = rng.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(N, T, d))

# In practice the functions are not this simple
def f(x):
    return x[:, 0] + x[:, 1]

def g(x):
    return x[:, 0]**2 - x[:, 1]**2

# Compute f on all the (flattened) array
fx = f(x.reshape(-1, d)).reshape(N, T)

# Compute g only on the first slice of second dimension. Here are two ways of doing so
gx = np.tile(g(x[:, 0])[:, None], reps=(1, T))
gx = np.repeat(g(x[:, 0]), axis=0, repeats=T).reshape(N, T)

# Finally compute what I really want to compute
diff = fx - gx

Is there a more efficient way? I feel that using broadcasting there must be, but I cannot figure it out.


  • Reducing the size of the example so we can examine (5,4) arrays:

    In [138]: 
         ...: # Generate x
         ...: N = 5
         ...: T = 4
         ...: d = 2
         ...: x = np.arange(40).reshape(N,T,d) #(rng.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(N, T, d))
         ...: # In practice the functions are not this simple
         ...: def f(x):
         ...:     return x[:, 0] + x[:, 1]
         ...: def g(x):
         ...:     return x[:, 0]**2 - x[:, 1]**2
         ...: # Compute f on all the (flattened) array
         ...: fx = f(x.reshape(-1, d)).reshape(N, T)
         ...: # Compute g only on the first slice of second dimension. Here are two ways of doing so
         ...: gx1 = np.tile(g(x[:, 0])[:, None], reps=(1, T))
         ...: gx2 = np.repeat(g(x[:, 0]), axis=0, repeats=T).reshape(N, T)
    In [139]: fx.shape,gx1.shape,gx2.shape
    Out[139]: ((5, 4), (5, 4), (5, 4))

    All the elements of fx differ, so no further 'broadcasting' is possible.

    In [140]: fx
    array([[ 1,  5,  9, 13],
           [17, 21, 25, 29],
           [33, 37, 41, 45],
           [49, 53, 57, 61],
           [65, 69, 73, 77]])

    Your use of tile and repeat do the same thing. tile uses repeat, so doesn't add anything:

    In [141]: gx1
    array([[ -1,  -1,  -1,  -1],
           [-17, -17, -17, -17],
           [-33, -33, -33, -33],
           [-49, -49, -49, -49],
           [-65, -65, -65, -65]])
    In [142]: gx2
    array([[ -1,  -1,  -1,  -1],
           [-17, -17, -17, -17],
           [-33, -33, -33, -33],
           [-49, -49, -49, -49],
           [-65, -65, -65, -65]])

    gx just repeats the 5 g() values 4 times.

    In [143]: g(x[:, 0])
    Out[143]: array([ -1, -17, -33, -49, -65])
    In [144]: fx-gx1
    array([[  2,   6,  10,  14],
           [ 34,  38,  42,  46],
           [ 66,  70,  74,  78],
           [ 98, 102, 106, 110],
           [130, 134, 138, 142]])

    So gx can be replaced with a (5,1) array, which broadcasts with the (5,4) fx:

    In [145]: fx-g(x[:,0])[:,None]
    array([[  2,   6,  10,  14],
           [ 34,  38,  42,  46],
           [ 66,  70,  74,  78],
           [ 98, 102, 106, 110],
           [130, 134, 138, 142]])

    I haven't tried to make more sense of the T versus d dimensions that I commented on.

    This answer may be too wordy, but it illustrates the way I visualized and discovered a broadcasting fix.